They forced us to love any stupid clown appearing on yellow press foreign football players millionaire musicians those people that in fact are similar
little time ago if you said something a soldier kills you if you raised your voice immediately a rifle shut up you the people who survived talk about
it?s already eight turn on the idiot box is time to feed our stupid minds some new and entertaining romances is what we are going to see now lots of
so much injustice you are going to explode if this bothers you go to the street to complain to let go your anger you have to destroy something throw
apart from the intolerable situation which is interact with people who think that everything is ok I?m finding myself about to explode desperation catches
what would happen if you don?t have money to buy all those things of basic need that you need to survive go out to the street looking for a bit of charity
I saw a child playing so happy with just a simple balloon I used to do the same life ends when you stop enjoying and the only thing you can do is just
let?s talk about minimum salaries in my country this is only one hundred sixty thousand in national currency we take a bus everyday to the work this