The War-Song of the Raving Warlord:] "LUST FOR BLOOD ! Anger turned to Hate to Power ! (I thrive on the Blood-Bath !) LUST FOR BLOOD ! (Your) Hearts
Oversettelse: Sacred Steel. Lust For Blood.
the score The truth that lies within the riddle of steel Where all our lives begin the riddle of steel Steel steel steel steel steel steel steel steel steel
for your blood I am the chaosbreeder in my seeds of evil Feeble souls of eternal hate - forbidden sins in crimson blood Morbid lusts of bleeding hearts
through time Watcher devours, lust in his mind Candle Light Playing tricks with Shadows in the Air Don't despair The Vision comes you climb the Sacred
Caesar had first ordered his legions across the grim grey sea to my ancient island... BLOOD FOR BOUDICCA... CARNAGE FOR CERNUNNOS!! To be continued...
blood Armageddon, revelation, Armageddon 666 The masters of terror reign further with blasphemy Glorious destruction Warriors of deadly freezing steel It's time for
Steel - Iron Legions march Open wide the brimstone gate Break the Spell of death by blood and thunder Blood is on my steel - for more I lust My dark
Death and blood... Blood and death... Death and blood... Blood and death... Black steel is sacred, your faith it is not : how can you believe in the
settling the score The truth that lies within the riddle of steel Where all our lives begin the riddle of steel Steel steel steel steel steel steel steel steel steel