Oversettelse: Ocean. The Human Stain.
to cheat. No need to confess. Where is your secret? Pull off the blanket! Discard this veil of shame. Tonight we celebrate the human stain!
social temp'rance rules above. Ah, ah. Then according to the man who showed his outstretched arm to space, He turned around and pointed, revealing all the human
wide opens Right here we stand alive, we live focused We open-minded, still we die hopeless With our pride broken and bullet holes covered where we stay
with the bodies of the living dead They're trying to die, they're leaping off of roof tops Uh, they only scream in pain as their body flops I'd rather stay
be boomin' Be resistant The negativity we keep it at a distance Call for backup and I'll give you some assistance Like a lifesaver deep in the ocean Stay
sleeves My world's deep blue, killers gotta eat too Looking for human flesh to rip my teeth through Other fish in the sea but barracudas ain't equal To a half human
front rows Live in the bank and watch for stank hoes Stay chromed out and that's on or off road If you know what I mean proceed to stay clean Light skinded
breathless Calmer that a Buddhist In the newness Of a world untouched by Human hands It's undiscovered civilisations in uncharted lands I'm diving deeper to ocean
Centuries-oceans, put your memories away New history has just begun and we are here to stay They say we are the next generation Sometimes it's just too
The ground we're walking on is stained With the blood of those before us who came Soldiers in this freedom movement are too numerous to name Cause the human
to church, they go to war it's a place where the wicked are rewarded, and money in the power's too important the skies turning grey and the ocean turned
snack Settled back, started speakin' He was tweakin' with the peak of his cap While I'm seekin' to discover what it takes to stay sober Not cover my
, White as I know. We stand in lines of old, staying cold, Swallow all the anger, Releases get away, coming down, Across the fields of amber, To the water, ocean
pain. With the thoughts you'll be thinkin' you could be another Lincoln If you only had a brain. Oh, I could tell you why The ocean's near the shore.