I used to be such a burning example, I used to be so original. I used to care, I was being cared for. Made sure I showed it to those that I love. I used
If I had a nickel for every single time I've tried to classify the populace around me with a word, or a catchy phrase, I could quit my job for good and
Oversettelse: Dynamite Deluxe. Milestone.
Oversettelse: 5ive. Milestone.
Oversettelse: Fem Iron Frenzy. Milestone.
Oversettelse: Milestone. Jeg Care 'bout Du.
Oversettelse: Milestone. Butterfly In The Wind.
Oversettelse: Soul Food soundtrack. Milestone - Jeg Care 'bout Du.
Oversettelse: GLAY. Haru Wo Aisuru Milestone.
Oversettelse: Small Towns Burn litt langsommere. Kvernstein og milepæler.
: I was justified when I was five Raising cane, I spit in your eye Times are changing, now the poor get fat But the fever's gonna catch you when the
: When I look back boy I must have been green Bopping in the country, fishing in a stream Looking for an answer trying to find a sign Until I saw your
: Hey kids, shake it loose together The spotlight's hitting something That's been known to change the weather We'll kill the fatted calf tonight So stick
: When I think of those East End lights, muggy nights The curtains drawn in the little room downstairs Prima Donna lord you really should have been there
: I see your teeth flash, Jamaican honey so sweet Down where Lexington cross 47th Street She's a big girl, she's standing six foot three Turning tricks