Trinkt mit mir auf all die Zeit Singt mit mir, die Nacht ist weich Träumt von all den Mädelsdie man gern hätt Denk an all die Mä
Oversettelse: Les Miserables soundtrack. Drikk With Me.
[The defenders settle down for the night with wine and a song.] Enjolras Marius, rest. Feuilly Drink with me To days gone by Sing with me The songs
Oversettelse: Les Miserables soundtrack. Drink With Me.
Oversettelse: Les Miserables. Drink With Me.
(The defenders settle down for the night with wine and a song) ENJOLRAS Marius, rest. FEUILLY Drink with me to days gone by Sing with me the songs we
: (The defenders settle down for the night with wine and a song) ENJOLRAS Marius, rest. FEUILLY Drink with me to days gone by Sing with me the songs