or a genius, a drunkerd at 23 And all that you yearn for, is attentino I guess Come Hell or high water you deserve nothing less Come Hell or high water
genius, a drunkerd at 23 And all that you yearn for, is attentino I guess Come Hell or high water you deserve nothing less. Come Hell or high water you
Oversettelse: Everything But The Girl. Kom Hell Or High Water.
encourage your friends to come have fun here I smile when I speak but I'm being sincere And your pass is valid all summer my dear So watch everything
conversation in the girls car you never heard Here they come There they are Don't look at 'em Remember the time when drive-ins first opened And the girls used to come
ride the wave until I come again I may crack but I'll never shatter I may crack but it doesn't matter I may crack but I'll never shatter I may crack but
reigns in Hell where to the surprise of many, he has proven to be an effective administrator--harsh to be sure, vicious, even sadistic, ruthless when necessary but
of everything Without her everyday journey to and from the well There wouldn't be no water whole village would be looking hell Enough bragging she got me a pretty girl
your wings like an angel and get high like dust Plus, I'm knowin' fakers hatin' on us Girls comin' out the cut 'cause they love the 'what?' That ain't nothin' but
now reigns in Hell where to the surprise of many, he has proven to be an effective administrator--harsh to be sure, vicious, even sadistic, ruthless when necessary but