Vaccinate me its the only way its my only hope sterilize this rage i spawn no more of this no more pollution to the world all i offer is compassion and
These lines are sketched deep into the back of my head after years of throwing fits its all ending with a gun wound stop the hate end the discontent
I'll serenade you to sleep and marinade you in your fucking blood suffocate you while you watch with your blood curdling eyes you fucking slut
The water works are working, and bless your fucking heart. your porcelin complexion would flourish much better under florecent lights. for the UV rays
Im first and last on your list the underdog in this the time in which i fade from speechless to breathless so hollow out my chest and even out the score
Pumping my heart for all the blood i can itssleeping through onto my shirt i swear its not a conspiracy thats what i like to tell myself anyway take