) birthday cake, One love pat -- a soft one, One hug and one shake; Then one kiss with love That can never be told, All these for our *Baby Who's just
Oversettelse: Barn Lyrics. Babyens første bursdag.
men God saved His world for all men All people All babies All children All colors All races This world's for you And me This world My world Your world Everybody's
line and I see the baddest bitch homie! I mean I was like fuck the food, what's you name, nationality and age baby? But I forgot the first two when she
gate with the wordplay Hot Nik shoot you with the gift, it's your birthday God hatin' ugly in the worst way fuck 'em like the earth say From first day
herself a promise that someday she'd celebrate Her birthday in the St. Germain des Pres After college she got married, she worked in theatre and had some babies
Gun wars, money, hustle, the hoes Niggaz that don't get along for life, that's how it go Momma's victim, take care of there kids, and let 'em roam And
No use worrying about what you missed Cause here it is baby it don't get better than this --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Birthday When is you birthday? What's your middle name? Who's your hero? What's
STUDENTS There's a bender among us, he must be exposed Or he'll kidnap our children and take off their clothes There's a bender among us, there's pink
on method man's album "tical 2:judgement day") All the children comin' into the light.... There will be.... Chorus: Rock-a-bye baby From
see the badest bitch homie (Damn) I mean I was like fuck the food what's your name, nationality and age baby But I forgot the first two when she said
field into disarray got assuaged by a brand new rattle and a mint parfait. Bizarro genius baby: at first I was elated, but eventually I grew concerned. Bizarro genius baby
All the children come into the light... [Sample of "Bright Tomorrow"] There will be... Chorus/Intro: Left Eye and Method Man Rock a bye baby from the
[Havoc] Gun wars, money, hustle, the hoes Niggaz that don't get along for life, that's how it go Momma's victim, take care of there kids, and let 'em
Gehrig s disease.") "President Franklin D. Roosevelt stricken late today." (On 4/12/45 he died of a cerebral hemorrhage (stroke). "Who s on first." "Yeah" "The fellow s
saved His world for all men All people All babies All children All colors All races This world's for you and me This world My world Your world Everybody's
Betty was a blonde blue eyed baby Who marked her first birthday on easter morning but her parents had other reasons to celebrate that day Betty had