- Und wenn, dann ungern To the bar, to the bar, to the bar... Es ist alles klar wie's immer war - Du wieder hinter und ich Vor der Bar (forderbar) -
I'm here and now and everywhere's going out on the road In my hotel room I hear a knock on the door I think it must be the boys telling me That it's time
Love is such a precious thing Something you feel with in and Love is such a simple thing But yet so complicated Love can fill your heart with pain Then
Hey, what you doin' over there? Now, don't it feel like you should be somewhere else? Like anywhere but where you are You know you make it hard to tell
Found my love, I found diamond rings Found my love, I gave my everything Found my love, travelled across the land Through the hail and the snow and the
You?re just beginning; I?ve lost my way I always thought our love would last for ever and a day Sometimes it happens, hearts go astray I never wanted
All I want is your love Your love is all I need All I want is your love Your love means everything All I want is the happiness and joy you bring
wenn, dann ungern to the bar, to the bar, to the bar ... Es ist alles klar wie's immer war - du wieder hinter und ich vor der Bar (forderbar) - Minor
Oversettelse: Bar 7. Cellofan.
Oversettelse: Hawk. Bar Minor 7 / 11.
Oversettelse: Hawk. Bar Minor 7 / 11 (Jeanny Dry).
the mami's chocha and drive her loca We never ride far, packed five in a car Save money for the drinks, I'm about to buy the bar (yeah) And everywhere
Da JuiceMan- OJ Da JuiceMan and ii got stanima(Stamina) && ii like animals Hannah Montanima Hit the club cuz still eatin' a bananana At the bar takin'
the tenants Got the walls kickin like they six months pregnant Drinking Alaze with our cereal for breakfast Girls calling cabs at dawn quarter to 7:00