Oversettelse: Søndag. Digital noter. Piano, Vokal.
Oversettelse: Søndag. Noter av Moby. Sunday was a bright day yesterday. Dark cloud has come into the way. Alfred Publishing Co..
Oversettelse: I can't stand to see the morning come, while the evening rain's still falling. All the problems, have followed. Norsk.
Oversettelse: Natural Blues noter av Moby. Went down the hill, the other day my soul got happy and stayed all day.
Oversettelse: The Ocean. Out On The Tiles. Song Remains The Same. Da The Levee Breaks. Over The Hills And Far Away.
Oversettelse: Av Moby. Med denne utgivelsen, Moby tydelig markerer en tilbakevending til sine musikalske røtter. Jam For The Ladies.
Oversettelse: Out On The Tiles. Song Remains The Same. Da The Levee Breaks. Over The Hills And Far Away. Led Zeppelin.
Oversettelse: Led Zeppelin Komplett. Out On The Tiles. Over The Hills. Song Remains The Same. Da The Levee Breaks.
Oversettelse: Down By The Seaside. Houses Of The Holy. I The Evening. In The Light. The Lemon Song. Moby Dick.
Oversettelse: I 1968, Jimmy Page forlot sentral blues-rock bandet The Yardbirds og dannet en ny turnéband. Celebration Day.