Oversettelse: Glad Traum. The strings weave through the trees and out again into our ears.
Oversettelse: ", calling the Guitar arrangements the "most intricate, melodically complex things the band has ever recorded.
Oversettelse: The Veil of the Temple ble bestilt av Temple Music Trust. Guds Mor, Here I Stand. Organ. Noter. Organ Akkompagnement.
Oversettelse: Som vil ringe ham King of Kings av Sandi Patty. Hvem vil kalle ham King of Kings. liket av sin Master rettferdig. Plan.
Oversettelse: Masters Of russisk Sammensetning. Alexander Borodin Og Anatoly LYADOV. Noter.
Oversettelse: Guitar Masters DVD og CD. There's even a bonus section with tips to help you achieve the most authentic Hawkins guitar tones.