Oversettelse: Stor Gospel - sanger og salmer. - America - America The Beautiful - Er du Vasket In The Blood. America The Beautiful.
Oversettelse: - Amens - America The Beautiful - og kan det. - Kristus Vær Beside Me - Kristus For The World We Sing.
Oversettelse: Land. Såvidt The Heart Can See. Gråter The Garden. Gjør deg klar for The Supper. Han The Pearly Gates Vil åpne.
Oversettelse: 45 favoritter, inkludert Crying i kapellet, Precious Memories, Will the Circle Be Unbroken og mer. I Saw The Light.
Oversettelse: Country og western Gospel salmebok Favoritter. Bygg min Mansion. Mansion over Hilltop. Master of the Wind.
Oversettelse: Topp 100 Southern Gospel Guitar Songbook. Jeg har Got That Old Time Religion in My Heart. In the Garden.
Oversettelse: The Gospel Songs Book - Easy Guitar komponert av Various. I Saw the Light. Lily of the Valley. The Love of God.
Oversettelse: Gospel Greatest. Give Me That Old Time Religion. I Saw the Light. In the Garden. The Old Rugged Cross.
Oversettelse: Gospel Greatest. Halleluja To The Lamb. Beyond The Sunset. Bless The Name Of Jesus. Bring Back The Spring.
Oversettelse: The Ultimate Land Fake Book - 5th Edition. The Ultimate Land Fake Book - 5th Edition. All The Time.
Oversettelse: Når The roll kalles Up Yonder. I Saw The Light. The Love of God. The Promise. Nothing But The Blood.
Oversettelse: Sacred Songs. Ah, men snart foreslå, lykksalig time fra Kristus, som er mitt liv, Kantate nr. 95. The Good Shepherd.