
Noter $20.51


Aerobics & Warm-Ups for Fiddlers & Violinists Made Easy. Sheet Music. Violin. VLN.


Aerobic. Noter. Fiolin. VLN.


Aerobics & Warm–Ups for Fiddlers & Violinists is not for the sophisticated violinist with years of classical training. It has been created especially for the more casual player who is sincerely interested in getting maximum benefit from a minimum of effort. Aerobics & Warm–Ups for Fiddlers & Violinists helps to fill this need for technical studies applicable to both the worlds of classical violin and fiddling. I first tested these scales and exercises on myself for six months, faithfully using them for about 20 minutes as warm–ups to my daily practice. I was rewarded with a definite improvement in my technique. I was actually surprised to see my dexterity grow as I charted my metronomic progress on a calendar. I remember thinking, "I will never be able to play faster than this. " But then a couple of weeks later I would indeed climb a notch higher. Through the years I have used these exercises in countless fiddle workshops and with private students. The letters of thanks and positive feedback from students who were thrilled with improved fiddle technique have brought me great satisfaction. I sincerely believe that these exercises, when faithfully practiced, will help violinists improve their playing skills. The exercises will help develop and strengthen muscles used for finger dexterity, clarity of notes, tone, bowing–arm control, intonation, double stops and a flexible bowing arm wrist. Companion free Audio Tracks available online.


Aerobics & Warm–Ups for Fiddlers & Violinists is not for the sophisticated violinist with years of classical training. Det har blitt laget spesielt for de mer uformelle spiller som er oppriktig interessert i å få maksimalt utbytte av et minimum av innsats. Aerobics & Warm–Ups for Fiddlers & Violinists helps to fill this need for technical studies applicable to both the worlds of classical violin and fiddling. I first tested these scales and exercises on myself for six months, faithfully using them for about 20 minutes as warm–ups to my daily practice. Jeg ble belønnet med en klar forbedring i min teknikk. Jeg ble faktisk overrasket over å se min fingerferdighet vokse som jeg kartla min metronomisk fremgang på en kalender. Jeg husker jeg tenkte: "Jeg vil aldri være i stand til å spille raskere enn dette. "Men så et par uker senere ville jeg faktisk klatre et hakk høyere. Gjennom årene har jeg brukt disse øvelsene i utallige fele workshops og med private studenter. De takkebrev og positive tilbakemeldinger fra studenter som var begeistret med forbedret fele teknikk har brakt meg stor tilfredsstillelse. Jeg tror oppriktig at disse øvelsene, når trofast praktisert, vil hjelpe fiolinister forbedre sine spilleferdigheter. The exercises will help develop and strengthen muscles used for finger dexterity, clarity of notes, tone, bowing–arm control, intonation, double stops and a flexible bowing arm wrist. Companion free Audio Tracks available online.