
Noter $11.03


D'Addario. XL Electric Guitar String EXL130 Set. 008 -. 038.


D'Addario. XL Electric Guitar String EXL130 Set. 008 -. 038.


J. D'Addario's first factory was in Lynbrook, New York, and the initial staff consisted of only five employees. It was a real family operation with John, Sr., John, Jr. and James D’Addario leading the company's growth and business plans. In the early 1980s D'Addario complemented its successful fretted line with the acquisition of the Kaplan Musical String Company, a long-established manufacturer of classical instrument strings. The brothers embarked on a rigorous program of research and development and created a world-renowned line of products in the field, establishing D'Addario as a premier manufacturer of instrument strings. D'Addario pioneered the use of nickel-plated steel for electric guitar. Today, discerning professionals like Mark Tremonti, John Scofield, Carlos Santana, Pat Metheny, and Brad Delson, just to name a few, choose XLs for their distinctive bright sound and excellent intonation. Features of the XL Strings. Nickel wound x-super light gauge.


J. D'Addario første fabrikken var i Lynbrook, New York, og den første ansatte besto av bare fem ansatte. It was a real family operation with John, Sr., John, Jr. and James D’Addario leading the company's growth and business plans. På begynnelsen av 1980-tallet D'Addario supplert sin vellykkede ergre linje med oppkjøpet av Kaplan Musical String Company, en veletablert produsent av klassiske strenger. Brødrene begitt seg ut på en streng program for forskning og utvikling og skapt en verdenskjent linje av produkter i feltet, etablere D'Addario som en ledende produsent av strenger. D'Addario pioneered the use of nickel-plated steel for electric guitar. I dag, kresne fagfolk som Mark Tremonti, John Scofield, Carlos Santana, Pat Metheny, og Brad Delson, bare for å nevne noen, velger xls for sine karakteristiske lyse lyd og utmerket intonasjon. Features of the XL Strings. Nickel wound x-super light gauge.