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Bastien Piano For Adults - Book 2. Book & CD. Jane Smisor Bastien. Piano Method sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Beginning.Oversettelse
Bastien Piano For Voksne - Bok 2. Bestill. Jane Smisor Bastien. Piano Method noter. Piano Solo noter. Begynnelsen.Original
Bastien Piano For Adults - Book 2. Book & CD. edited by Lisa Bastien and Lori Bastien. For solo piano. Method. Basiten Piano. Instructional and Method. SMP Level 2. Late Elementary. Collection and 2 accompaniment CDs. Standard notation, fingerings and introductory text. does not include words to the songs. Published by Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.KP2. ISBN 849773059. With standard notation, fingerings and introductory text. does not include words to the songs. Instructional and Method. 9x12 inches. To teach piano basics, the Bastiens have created a new, rich course designed specifically for adult beginners. Bastien Piano for Adults is a welcome addition to the best-selling collection of Bastien methods and supplementary materials. Lessons, theory, technic, and sight reading are combined in one easy-to-use book. The series is gradually paced to ensure student confidence and success. The variety of music, custom selected for adults, includes famous classic themes, folk songs, spirituals, ragtime, blues, boogie, jazz, and Bastien originals that teach the basics in a straightforward, yet innovative manner. Accompaniments CDs for Bastien Piano for Adults, Books 1 & 2 were created to musically enhance student practice, thus making piano study more enjoyable. In addition to adding excitement, variety, and motivation for the student, the CDs help improve understanding of phrasing, balance, rhythm, and pulse, Even beginning students can play along with a jazz band, a symphony, or a rock group, The CDs add a whole new, joyous dimension to learning piano and making music. Everything the adult beginner needs in one book. To teach piano basics, the Bastiens have created a new, rich course designed specifically for adult beginners, Bastien Piano for Adults is a welcome addition to the best-selling collection of Bastien methods and supplementary materials. Lessons, theory, technic, and sight reading are combined in one easy-to-use book. The series is gradually paced to ensure student confidence and success. The variety of music, custom selected for adults, includes famous classic themes, folk songs, spirituals, ragtime, blues, boogie, jazz, and Bastien originals that teach the basics in a straightforward, yet innovative manner. Accompaniment CD's for Bastien Piano for Adults , Books 1 & 2 were created to musically enhance student practice, thus making piano study more enjoyable. In addition to adding excitement, variety, and motivation for the student, the CD's help improve understanding of phrasing, balance, rhythm, and pulse. Even beginning students can play along with a jazz band, a symphony, or rock group. The CD's add a whole new, joyous dimension to learning piano and making music. 5-finger patterns still used but position changes are more frequent including one octave scale passages. Some 3 note chords. Meet Me in St. Louis. East RIver Boogie. Good Morning Blues. G Major Scale and Chords. Prelude In G. The Holly and the Ivy. Morning Mood. Theme form Symphony No. 5. Technic. G Scaale Etude, On the Treadmill. Technic. Finger Extension Study. Laughing Song. On Top of Old Smoky. Lights Over Egypt. Major and Minor Triads. York Avenue Blues. Ocean View. E Harmonic Minor Scale and Chords. House Of The Rising Sun. Syncopated Etude. Hello. My Baby. Sakura. Cherry Blossom Song. Technic. Etude in E Minor. Challenge Piece. Frankie and Johnny. Review. Warm Up. Prelude in A Minor. F Major Scale and Chords. Scottish Bagpipes. Summer Whirlwind. The Merry Widow Waltz. D Harmonic Minor Scale and Chords. The Minstrel's Song. Etude. Joe Turner. Ventian Song. Waltz. Chalenge Piece. Hearts from Heaven. Old Folks At Home. Tirads and Inversions, Tranbpsoisiotnn. Revielle. La Jolla Sunset. Autumn Breeze. Spanish Fiesta. Bayou Blues. Minuet. Tango Time. Tachnic. Major Triads and Inversion, Minor Triads and Inversion. Technic. Playing Triplets , On the Escalator. Challenge Piece. Sea Mist. Chasin' the blues. The Order of Sharps. D Major Scale and chords. Barbara Allen. Strolling Down the Midway. Bells of Milan. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands. Technic. D Scale Etude, D Chord Etude, Ice Skating. Challenge Piece. Maple Leaf Rag. Heart Breaker. A Major Scale and Chords. Barcarolle. Theme from Suprise Symphony. Entrance of the Emperor. Blue Soul. Technic. Rolling Hoops, A Scale Etude. Challenge Piece. Canon in D. Big Sky Boogie. Brazilian Boogie. E Major Scale and Chords. Irish Washerwoman. Technic. 2nd Inversion Etude. Swan Waltz. Technic. Etude in F. Technic. E chord Etude, E Scale Etude. Challenge Piece. Rondo Alla Turca. C Major Scale, C Harmonic Minor Scale. The Midnight Express. Augmented Triads. Major and Augmented Chord Warm Up, A Vist to the Royal Court. Arabesque. Dimnished Triads. In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree. Warm Up, Sonatina in C. Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring. Prelude in C Major. St. Louis Blues. Review. Chord Drill. Technic. Parallel Scale Etude. Challenge Piece. Moonlight Sonata.Oversettelse
Bastien Piano For Voksne - Bok 2. Bestill. redigert av Lisa Bastien og Lori Bastien. For solo piano. Metode. Basiten Piano. Instruksjons-og metode. SMP Nivå 2. Late Elementary. Innsamling og to akkompagnements CDer. Standard notasjon, fingersetting og innledende tekst. inkluderer ikke ord til sangene. Publisert av Neil A. Kjos Music Company. KJ.KP2. ISBN 849773059. Med standard notasjon, fingersetting og innledende tekst. inkluderer ikke ord til sangene. Instruksjons-og metode. 9x12 inches. Å lære piano grunnleggende, har de Bastiens opprettet en ny, rik kurs utviklet spesielt for voksne nybegynnere. Bastien Piano for voksne er et velkomment tillegg til den bestselgende samling av Bastien metoder og supplerende materiale. Leksjoner, teori, teknikk, og lesning er kombinert i ett enkelt å bruke boken. Serien er gradvis tempoet for å sikre elevenes selvtillit og suksess. Variasjonen av musikk, tilpasset valgt for voksne, inkluderer kjente klassiske temaer, folkeviser, spirituals, ragtime, blues, boogie, jazz, og Bastien originaler som lærer det grunnleggende i en enkel, men likevel nyskapende måte. Akkompagnement CDer for Bastien Piano for voksne, bøker 1. I tillegg til å legge spenning, variasjon og motivasjon for studenten, CDer bidra til å forbedre forståelsen av frasering, balanse, rytme og puls, kan Even begynner elevene spille sammen med et jazzband, en symfoni, eller en rockegruppe, CDene legge en helt ny, frydefull dimensjon til læring piano og lage musikk. Alt voksen nybegynner trenger i én bok. Å lære piano grunnleggende, har de Bastiens opprettet en ny, rik kurs utviklet spesielt for voksne nybegynnere, er Bastien Piano for voksne et velkomment tillegg til den bestselgende samling av Bastien metoder og supplerende materiale. Leksjoner, teori, teknikk, og lesning er kombinert i ett enkelt å bruke boken. Serien er gradvis tempoet for å sikre elevenes selvtillit og suksess. Variasjonen av musikk, tilpasset valgt for voksne, inkluderer kjente klassiske temaer, folkeviser, spirituals, ragtime, blues, boogie, jazz, og Bastien originaler som lærer det grunnleggende i en enkel, men likevel nyskapende måte. Akkompagnement CD-er for Bastien Piano for voksne, bøker 1. I tillegg til å legge spenning, variasjon og motivasjon for studenten, CD hjelp forbedre forståelsen av frasering, balanse, rytme og puls. Selv begynner elevene kan spille sammen med et jazzband, en symfoni, eller rockegruppe. CD-er legge en helt ny, frydefull dimensjon til læring piano og lage musikk. 5-finger mønstre fortsatt brukes, men posisjon endringer er hyppigere blant annet en oktav skala passasjer. Noen tre notat akkorder. Meet Me in St. Louis. East River Boogie. Good Morning Blues. G Major Scale og Chords. Prelude I G. The Holly og Ivy. Morgenstemning. Tema skjema Symfoni nr. 5. Technic. G Scaale Etude, på tredemølle. Technic. Finger Extension Study. Laughing Song. På toppen av Old Smoky. Lights Over Egypt. Major og Minor Triaden. York Avenue Blues. Ocean View. E Harmonic Minor Scale og Chords. House Of The Rising Sun. Synkopert Etude. Hallo. My Baby. Sakura. Cherry Blossom Song. Technic. Etude i E-moll. Challenge Piece. Frankie and Johnny. Gjennomgang. Warm Up. Preludium i a-moll. F Major Scale og Chords. Skotske sekkepiper. Summer Whirlwind. Den glade enke Waltz. D Harmonic Minor Scale og Chords. The Minstrel Song. Study. Joe Turner. Ventian Song. Waltz. Chalenge Piece. Hjerter fra himmelen. Gamle folk hjemme. Tirads og inversjoner, Tranbpsoisiotnn. Revielle. La Jolla Sunset. Autumn Breeze. Spansk Fiesta. Bayou Blues. Menuett. Tango Tid. Tachnic. Store Triaden og inversjon, Minor Triaden og Inversjon. Technic. Spille Triplets, i rulletrappen. Challenge Piece. Sea Mist. Chasin 'blues. The Order of Sharps. D Major Scale og akkorder. Barbara Allen. Rusler nedover Midway. Bells of Milan. Han Got The Whole World In His Hands. Technic. D Scale Etude, D Chord Etude, Ice Skating. Challenge Piece. Maple Leaf Rag. Heart Breaker. En Major Scale og Chords. Barcarolle. Tema fra Suprise Symphony. Inngang til keiseren. Blue Soul. Technic. Rolling Hoops, A Scale Etude. Challenge Piece. Canon i D. Big Sky Boogie. Brazilian Boogie. E Major Scale og Chords. Irsk Washerwoman. Technic. Andre Inversjon Etude. Swan Waltz. Technic. Etude i F. Technic. Study E akkord, E Scale Study. Challenge Piece. Rondo Alla Turca. C Major Scale, C Harmonic Minor Scale. The Midnight Express. Augmented Triaden. Major og Augmented Chord Warm Up, en vist til kongelige hoff. Arabesque. Dimnished triader. In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree. Warm Up, Sonatina i C. Jesu, Joy Of Man er Desiring. Preludium i C-dur. St. Louis Blues. Gjennomgang. Chord Drill. Technic. Parallell Scale Etude. Challenge Piece. Moonlight Sonata.Populære søk