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Christmas Ukulele Fake Book. Various. Piano sheet music. Ukulele sheet music.Oversettelse
Christmas Ukulele Fake Book. Diverse. Piano noter. Ukulele noter.Original
Christmas Ukulele Fake Book by Various. For Ukulele. Ukulele. Softcover. 416 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.120171. ISBN 1480345709. 5.5x8.5 inches. Over 250 great songs packed into one handy, portable book. Includes melody. lyrics. chords for. All I Want for Christmas Is You. All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth. Baby, It's Cold Outside. Do You Hear What I Hear. Blue Christmas. Feliz Navidad. Brazilian Sleigh Bells. Frosty the Snow Man. Caroling, Caroling. Goin' on a Sleighride. The Chipmunk Song. Grown-Up Christmas List. Christmas. Baby Please Come Home. Happy Xmas. War Is Over. Hard Candy Christmas. Christmas Is. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. The Christmas Shoes. Here Comes Santa Claus. Right down Santa Claus Lane. The Christmas Song. Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire. There's No Place Like. Home for the Holidays. Christmas Time Is Here. I'll Be Home for Christmas. Christmas Wrapping. I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm. It's Beginning to Look like Christmas. It's Christmas in New York. Jingle Bell Rock. Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Little Saint Nick. A Marshmallow World. Mele Kalikimaka. Merry Christmas, Darling. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. My Favorite Things. Nuttin' for Christmas. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Santa, Bring My Baby Back. To Me. Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town. Silver and Gold. Silver Bells. Sleigh Ride. Snowfall. This Christmas. What Are You Doing New Year's Eve. White Christmas. Wonderful Christmastime. You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch. You're All I Want for Christmas. and more. River. Breath Of Heaven. Mary's Song. Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring. Share Love. Cold December Nights. Silent Night. A Caroling We Go. Believe. O Christmas Tree. We Wish You a Merry Christmas. Jingle Bells. The Gift. The Friendly Beasts. The Star. Emmanuel. Mary, Did You Know. Angels We Have Heard On High. Joy To The World. O Little Town of Bethlehem. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. What Child Is This. O Holy Night. All I Want For Christmas Is You. Jesus Born On This Day. Miss You Most At Christmas Time. Jesus What A Wonderful Child. Christmas. Baby Please Come Home. The First Noel. Miracles. The Twelve Days of Christmas. Merry Christmas From The Family. Grandma's Killer Fruitcake. Away In A Manger. This Little Child. Christmas Is All In The Heart. Precious Promise. Please Come Home For Christmas. Hark. The Herald Angels Sing. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear. All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth. You Green And Glittering Tree. A La Nanita Nana. Hear Lullabies and Sleep Now. Rose of Bethlehem. All Through The Night. He Is Born, The Holy Child. Il Est Ne, Le Divin Enfant. Who Would Imagine A King. While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks. Auld Lang Syne. As Long As There's Christmas. Almost Day. Wexford Carol. Home. When Shadows Fall. God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. I Saw Three Ships. We Three Kings Of Orient Are. I Wonder as I Wander. Welcome To Our World. Silver And Gold. One King. Christmastime. Not That Far from Bethlehem. An Old Fashioned Christmas. When Love Came Down. Feliz Navidad. The Holly and the Ivy. Grandpa's Gonna Sue the Pants Offa Santa. Feels Like Christmas. Angels from the Realms of Glory. The Christmas Shoes. Caroling, Caroling. Little Saint Nick. Hallelujah Chorus. Coventry Carol. Good King Wenceslas. Gesà Bambino. The Infant Jesus. Child Of God. Go, Tell It on the Mountain. Where Are You Christmas. Snowfall. The Star Carol. As with Gladness Men of Old. This Christmas. Deck the Hall. Mary Had a Baby. Baby, It's Cold Outside. Merry Christmas, Baby. Ding Dong. Merrily On High. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. Masters in this Hall. Sing We Now of Christmas. Fum, Fum, Fum. March of the Toys. Here We Come A-Wassailing. Light of the Stable. Up on the Housetop. O Sanctissima. Christmas In Dixie. My Only Wish This Year. Emmanuel. Hallowed Manger Ground. Because It's Christmas. For All The Children. A Child Is Born In Bethlehem. Silver Bells. A Christmas Carol. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch. Parade of the Wooden Soldiers. Blue Christmas. Jolly Old St. Nicholas. The Boar's Head Carol. Good Christian Men, Rejoice. The Little Drummer Boy. The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Brazilian Sleigh Bells. Break Forth, O Beauteous, Heavenly Light. Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella. The Chanukah Song. We Are Lights. Joseph's Lullaby. Burgundian Carol. Once In Royal David's City. Toyland. Christmas Is The Time To Say I Love You. Gabriel's Message. Christmas Time Is Here. Wonderful Christmastime. Still, Still, Still. The Cherry Tree Carol. The Chipmunk Song. Christ Was Born on Christmas Day. C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. Christmas Auld Lang Syne. Christmas in Killarney. Christmas Is. Christmas Is A-Comin'. May God Bless You. Christmas Is Just About Here. The Christmas Song. Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire. The Christmas Waltz. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. I Need A Silent Night. Mele Kalikimaka. Joy To The World. A Christmas Prayer. Do They Know It's Christmas. Feed the World. Do You Hear What I Hear. Douglas Mountain. Christmas Lights. Give This Christmas Away. Sleigh Ride. Oh Santa. Christmas Wrapping. Mistletoe. Noel Nouvelet. From Heaven Above to Earth I Come. Everyone's A Child At Christmas. A Virgin Unspotted. Underneath The Tree. Frosty the Snow Man. Glad Tidings. Shalom Chaverim. Goin' On A Sleighride. Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. The Greatest Gift Of All. Greenwillow Christmas. Happy Christmas, Little Friend. Happy Xmas. War Is Over. Happy Hanukkah, My Friend. The Hanukkah Song. Happy Holiday. Happy New Year Darling. Hard Candy Christmas. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. Here Comes Santa Claus. Right Down Santa Claus Lane. A Holly Jolly Christmas. Holly Leaves And Christmas Trees. There's No Place Like. Home for the Holidays. How Lovely Is Christmas. Hymne. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus. I Still Believe In Santa Claus. I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas. Hippo The Hero. I Wish Everyday Could Be Like Christmas. I'll Be Home for Christmas. I'll Be Home On Christmas Day. I'm Spending Christmas With You. I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm. It Must Have Been The Mistletoe. Our First Christmas. It Won't Seem Like Christmas. Without You. It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas. It's Christmas In New York. It's Christmas Time All Over The World. It's Just Another New Year's Eve. Jingle Bell Rock. Jingle, Jingle, Jingle. Joyous Christmas. The Last Month Of The Year. What Month Was Jesus Born In. Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow. Let's Have An Old Fashioned Christmas. Let's Make It Christmas All Year 'Round. Little Altar Boy. The Little Boy that Santa Claus Forgot. Little Town. A Marshmallow World. Mary's Little Boy. Mary's Little Boy Child. Merry Christmas, Darling. The Merry Christmas Polka. Merry, Merry Christmas Baby. A Merry, Merry Christmas To You. Mister Santa. Mistletoe and Holly. The Most Wonderful Day Of The Year. My Favorite Things. Grown-Up Christmas List. The Night Before Christmas Song. Nuttin' for Christmas. O Come, All Ye Faithful. Adeste Fideles. O Hearken Ye. Old Toy Trains. One Bright Star. One For The Little Bitty Baby. Go Where I Send Thee. Out of the East. Pat-A-Pan. Willie, Take Your Little Drum. Poor Little Jesus. Pretty Paper. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Santa Baby. Santa, Bring My Baby Back. To Me. Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town. The Santa Claus Parade. Shake Me I Rattle. Squeeze Me I Cry. Some Children See Him. Some Things For Christmas. A Snake, Some Mice, Some Glue And A Hole Too. Somewhere In My Memory. The Star Carol. Canzone D'i Zampognari. Suzy Snowflake. Tennessee Christmas. That Christmas Feeling. This Is Christmas. Bright, Bright The Holly Berries. This One's For The Children. 'Twas The Night Before Christmas. We Are Santa's Elves. We Need a Little Christmas. What A Merry Christmas This Could Be. What Are You Doing New Year's Eve. When Santa Claus Gets Your Letter. While By My Sheep. White Christmas. The White World Of Winter. Winter Wonderland. The Wonderful World of Christmas. Irish Carol. You Make It Feel Like Christmas. You're All I Want For Christmas. Ya Viene La Vieja. Wassail, Wassail. Of The Father's Love Begotten. Ukrainian Bell Carol.Oversettelse
Christmas Ukulele Fake Book by Various. For Ukulele. Ukulele. Paperback. 416 sider. Publisert av Hal Leonard. HL.120171. ISBN 1480345709. 5.5x8.5 inches. Over 250 great songs packed into one handy, portable book. Includes melody. lyrics. chords for. All I Want for Christmas Is Du. All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth. Baby, det er kaldt ute. Hører du hva jeg hører. Blue Christmas. God jul. Brasiliansk Sleigh Bells. Frosty snømannen. Caroling, Caroling. Goin 'på en Sleighride. The Chipmunk Song. Grown-Up Christmas List. Jule. Baby Please Come Home. Glad Xmas. War Is Over. Hard Candy julen. Julen er. Har selv en Merry christmas. The Christmas Shoes. Her kommer julenissen. Rett ned for Santa Claus Lane. The Christmas Song. Kastanjer Steking på en Open Fire. Det er ingen plass som. Hjem til jul. Christmas Time Is Here. Jeg kommer hjem til jul. Jul Gave. Jeg har Got My Love to Keep Me Warm. Det begynner å se ut som jule. Det er jul i New York. Jingle Bell Rock. Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Lille Saint Nick. En Marshmallow verden. Mele Kalikimaka. Merry Christmas, Darling. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. My Favorite Things. Nuttin 'til jul. Rockin 'Around the Christmas Tree. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Nisse, Bring My Baby Back. To Me. Julenissen er Comin 'to Town. Sølv og Gull. Silver Bells. Sleigh Ride. Snøfall. Denne julen. Hva gjør du på nyttårsaften. White Christmas. Wonderful Christmastime. Du er en Mean One, Mr. Grinch. Du er alt jeg ønsker for julen. og mer. River. Breath Of Heaven. Marias Song. Jesu, Joy Of Man er Desiring. Del Kjærlighet. Kald desember Nights. Silent Night. En Caroling We Go. Tro. O Christmas Tree. Vi ønsker deg en riktig god jul. Jingle Bells. The Gift. The Friendly Beasts. The Star. Emmanuel. Mary, Did You Know. Engler vi har hørt On High. Joy To The World. O Little Town of Bethlehem. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Hva Child Is This. O Holy Night. All I Want For Christmas Is You. Jesus født på denne dagen. Miss You Most ved juletider. Jesus What A Wonderful Child. Jule. Baby Please Come Home. The First Noel. Mirakler. The Twelve Days of Christmas. God jul fra familien. Bestemors Killer Fruitcake. Away In A Manger. This Little Child. Christmas Is All In The Heart. Precious Promise. Please Come Home For Christmas. Hark. The Herald Angels Sing. Det kom på The Midnight Clear. Alt jeg ønsker for julen er My Two Front Teeth. Du grønne og glitrende treet. A La Nanita Nana. Hør Lullabies and Sleep nå. Rose of Betlehem. All Through The Night. Han er født, The Holy Child. Det er ne, Le Divin Enfant. Hvem kan tenke deg en konge. Mens Shepherds sett sine Flokker. Auld Lang Syne. Så lenge det er jul. Nesten Day. Wexford Carol. Hjem. Når Shadows Fall. God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Jeg så tre Ships. We Three Kings Of Orient Are. Jeg lurer på som jeg Vandre. Velkommen til vår verden. Sølv og gull. En konge. Christmas. Ikke så langt fra Betlehem. En gammeldags jule. When Love Came Down. God jul. The Holly og Ivy. Bestefar Gonna Sue Buksene Offa Jule. Føles Like Christmas. Engler fra Realms of Glory. The Christmas Shoes. Caroling, Caroling. Lille Saint Nick. Hallelujakoret. Coventry Carol. Good King Wenceslas. Jesus Child. Jesusbarnet. Child Of God. Go, Tell It on the Mountain. Hvor er du jule. Snøfall. The Star Carol. Som med glede menn av gamle. Denne julen. Deck the Hall. Mary hadde en baby. Baby, det er kaldt ute. Merry Christmas, baby. Ding Dong. Merrily On High. Jeg hørte Bells på juledag. Masters i denne Hall. Syng Vi Nå i julen. Fum, Fum, Fum. March of the Toys. Here We Come A-Wassailing. Lys av den Stabil. Opp på taket. O Sanctissima. Christmas In Dixie. My Only Wish This Year. Emmanuel. Hallowed Manger Ground. Fordi det er jul. For alle barna. Et barn er født i Betlehem. Silver Bells. A Christmas Carol. Rockin 'Around the Christmas Tree. Du er en Mean One, Mr. Grinch. Parade av de tre Soldiers. Blue Christmas. Jolly Old St. Nicholas. Den villsvin hodet Carol. Bra Christian Menn, Rejoice. The Little Drummer Boy. The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year. Brasiliansk Sleigh Bells. Break Forth, O Beauteous, himmelsk lys. Ta med en lommelykt, Jeannette, Isabella. Den Chanukah Song. We Are Lights. Josefs Lullaby. Burgundiske Carol. Once In konge Davids by. Toyland. Julen er tiden for å si Jeg elsker deg. Gabriels Message. Christmas Time Is Here. Wonderful Christmastime. Still, Still, Still. The Cherry Tree Carol. The Chipmunk Song. Kristus ble født på julaften. C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S. Jule Auld Lang Syne. Jul i Killarney. Julen er. Christmas Is A-Comin '. Må Gud velsigne deg. Julen er rett om her. The Christmas Song. Kastanjer Steking på en Open Fire. The Christmas Waltz. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. Jeg trenger en Silent Night. Mele Kalikimaka. Joy To The World. A Christmas Prayer. Vet de det er jul. Strøm the World. Hører du hva jeg hører. Douglas Mountain. Julelys. Gi denne julen Away. Sleigh Ride. Oh i Santa. Jul Gave. Misteltein. Noel Nouvelet. Fra himmelen til jorden I Come. Alle er et barn på jule. A Virgin uplettet. Underneath The Tree. Frosty snømannen. Glad Tidings. Shalom Chaverim. Goin 'On A Sleighride. Bestemor ble overkjørt av en rein. Den største gaven av alle. Greenwillow julen. God jul, lille venn. Glad Xmas. War Is Over. Glad Hanukkah, My Friend. The Hanukkah Song. Happy Holiday. Godt Nyttår Darling. Hard Candy julen. Har selv A Merry christmas. Her kommer julenissen. Høyre Down Julenissen Lane. En Holly Jolly julen. Holly Leaves og juletrær. Det er ingen plass som. Hjem til jul. Hvordan Lovely Er julen. Anthem. Jeg så mamma kysse nissen. Jeg tror fortsatt på julenissen. Jeg vil ha en flodhest For Christmas. Hippo The Hero. I Wish Everyday Could Be Like Christmas. Jeg kommer hjem til jul. Jeg kommer hjem On Christmas Day. Jeg tilbringer julen With You. Jeg har Got My Love To Keep Me Warm. Det må ha vært The Mistletoe. Vår første jul. Det vil ikke virke som jule. Without You. Det begynner å se ut som jule. Det er jul i New York. Det er jul tid All Over The World. Det er bare en annen nyttårsaften. Jingle Bell Rock. Jingle, Jingle, Jingle. Joyous julen. Den siste måneden i året. Hva Måned Var Jesus født i. La det snø. La det snø. La det snø. La oss ha en gammeldags jule. La oss gjøre det jul hele året rundt. Lite altergutt. Den lille gutten som Julenissen glemt. Little Town. En Marshmallow verden. Marys Little Boy. Marys Little Boy Child. Merry Christmas, Darling. The Merry Christmas Polka. Merry, Merry Christmas baby. En riktig god, god jul til deg. Mister i Santa. Mistletoe og Holly. Den mest fantastiske dagen i året. My Favorite Things. Grown-Up Christmas List. The Night Before Christmas Song. Nuttin 'til jul. O Come, All Ye Faithful. Adeste Fideles. O Hør Ye. Gamle Toy Trains. Ett Bright Star. One For The Little Bitty baby. Gå Where I Send Thee. Ut av Øst. Pat-A-Pan. Willie, Ta din lille Drum. Poor Little Jesus. Pretty Paper. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Santa baby. Nisse, Bring My Baby Back. To Me. Julenissen er Comin 'to Town. The Santa Claus Parade. Shake Me Jeg Rattle. Squeeze Me Jeg Cry. Noen barn ser Ham. Noen ting For Christmas. En Snake, noen mus, litt lim og et hull Too. Somewhere In My Memory. The Star Carol. På Pipers Song. Suzy Snowflake. Tennessee julen. At julen Feeling. Dette er jul. Lyse, Bright Holly bær. Denne er for barna. 'Twas The Night Before Christmas. We Are Julenissens alver. Vi trenger litt jule. What A Merry Christmas Dette kan være. Hva gjør du på nyttårsaften. Når julenissen Gets Din Letter. Mens By My Sheep. White Christmas. The White World Of Winter. Winter Wonderland. Den fantastiske verden av julen. Irish Carol. Du Make It Feel Like Christmas. Du er All I Want For Christmas. Ya Viene La Vieja. Wassail, Wassail. Av Faderens kjærlighet enbårne. Ukrainsk Bell Carol.Populære søk