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The Hal Leonard Beginning Guitar Superbook. Various. Easy Guitar sheet music.


Hal Leonard Beginning Guitar Super. Diverse. Easy Guitar noter.


The Hal Leonard Beginning Guitar Superbook for Guitar. Guitar Method. 176 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.697207. ISBN 0793550300. 9x12 inches. Five complete best-selling books in one. Hal Leonard Guitar Method Book 1, Easy Pop Melodies, The Chord Strummer, Easy Chord Trax, and Rock Trax 1. This collection gives any guitarist all the information they need to start playing, including. playing solo guitar and accompaniments in a variety of styles. playing melodies or strumming along with over 100 famous songs. chord charts, strum and fingerpicking patterns. and more. The world-famous Hal Leonard Guitar Method is preferred by teachers because it makes them more effective while making their job easier. Students enjoy its easy-to-follow format that gives them a solid music education while letting them play songs right away. The Hal Leonard Guitar Method provides a complete system to playing success which includes three levels of instruction and a myriad of play-along supplemental songbooks that let students play great songs while they're still learning to play. Africa Unite. All My Loving. Amazing Grace. At The Hop. Au Clair de la Lune. Aura Lee. Bass Rock. The Bells. Bird Dog. Blue Suede Shoes. Blues Bass. Boogie Bass. Book Of Love. Bye Bye Love. Candle In The Wind. Don't Be Cruel. To A Heart That's True. Down in the Valley. Duke Of Earl. Dust In The Wind. Eleanor Rigby. Every Breath You Take. Good Mornin' Blues. Goodnight, Irene. Greensleeves. The Gypsy Guitar. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands. Heartbreak Hotel. Hey Jude. Hound Dog. I Gave My Love A Cherry. The Riddle Song. If I Had A Hammer. The Hammer Song. Irish Tune. Jack Stuart. Let It Be. Long Tall Sally. Love Me Do. The Masterpiece. Minuet In G. Molly Malone. Cockles & Mussels. Mull Of Kintyre. Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye. Norwegian Wood. This Bird Has Flown. Nowhere Man. Peggy Sue. A Place In The Choir. The Rainbow Connection. Rock-A-My Soul. Rock Around The Clock. Rock 'n' Rest. The Round. Simple Gifts. Sixteen Candles. Stand By Me. Surfin' U.S.A. Takin' Care Of Business. A Teenager in Love. This Land Is Your Land. This Little Light of Mine. 3 Part Round. Tom Dooley. 12-Bar Blues Rock. Song Of The Volga Boatman. When I Need You. Where Have All The Flowers Gone. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. Worried Man Blues. Yellow Submarine. Sailors Hornpipe. Circles. Londonderry Air. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Imagine. Yankee Doodle. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. When The Saints Go Marching In. The Drunken Sailor. Scarborough Fair. Ode to Joy. Corrina. Frere Jacques. Are You Sleeping. Hey, Ho. Nobody Home. Johnny Has Gone For a Soldier. The Midnight Special. Shalom Chaveyrim. Shalom Friends. Shenandoah. Tell Ol' Bill. Marianne. You Needed Me. Sixteen Tons. Ramblin' 'Round.


Hal Leonard Beginning Guitar Super for Guitar. Guitar Method. 176 sider. Publisert av Hal Leonard. HL.697207. ISBN 0793550300. 9x12 inches. Fem komplette bestselgende bøker i én. Hal Leonard Guitar Method Book 1, Easy popmelodier, The Chord Strummer, Easy Chord Trax, og Rock Trax 1. Denne samlingen gir en gitarist til all den informasjonen de trenger for å begynne å spille, inkludert. spiller sologitar og akkompagnement i en rekke stiler. spille melodier eller klimprer sammen med over 100 kjente sanger. akkord diagrammer, lense og fingerpicking mønstre. og mer. Den verdensberømte Hal Leonard Guitar Method er foretrukket av lærere fordi det gjør dem mer effektive, samtidig som jobben deres enklere. Studenter nyte sin lett-å-følge-format som gir dem en solid musikkutdannelse samtidig som den lar dem spille sanger med en gang. Hal Leonard Guitar Method gir et komplett system for å spille suksess som omfatter tre nivåer av instruksjon og en myriade av spill langs supplerende sangbøker som lar elevene spille gode låter mens de fortsatt lære å spille. Africa Unite. All My Loving. Amazing Grace. At The Hop. Av måneskinn. Aura Lee. Bass Rock. The Bells. Bird Dog. Blue Suede Shoes. Blues Bass. Boogie Bass. Book Of Love. Bye Bye Kjærlighet. Candle In The Wind. Ikke Be Cruel. Til et hjerte som er sant. Down in the Valley. Duke Of Earl. Dust In The Wind. Eleanor Rigby. Every Breath You Take. Morn Blues. Goodnight, Irene. Greensleeves. The Gypsy Guitar. Han Got The Whole World In His Hands. Heartbreak Hotel. Hey Jude. Hound Dog. I Gave My Love A Cherry. The Riddle Song. If I Had A Hammer. The Hammer Song. Irish Tune. Jack Stuart. Let It Be. Long Tall Sally. Love Me Gjør. The Masterpiece. Menuett I G. Molly Malone. Hjerteskjell. Mull Of Kintyre. Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Farvel. Norske Wood. Denne fuglen har fløyet. Nowhere Man. Peggy Sue. A Place In The Choir. The Rainbow Connection. Rock-A-My Soul. Rock Around The Clock. Rock 'n' Rest. The Round. Simple Gifts. Sixteen Candles. Stand By Me. Surfin 'U.S.A.. Takin 'Care of Business. En tenåring i Love. This Land Is Your Land. This Little Light of Mine. 3 Part Round. Tom Dooley. 12-Bar Blues Rock. Song Of The Volga Boatman. Når jeg trenger deg. Hvor har alle blomstene Gone. Vil The Circle Be Unbroken. Bekymret Man Blues. Yellow Submarine. Sailors Hornpipe. Circles. Londonderry Air. Row, Row, Row båten din. Forestill. Yankee Doodle. For Han er en Jolly Good Fellow. Når The Saints Go Marching In. The Drunken Sailor. Scarborough Fair. Ode to Joy. Corrina. Frere Jacques. Sover du. Hey, Ho. Nobody Home. Johnny har gått for en Soldier. The Midnight Special. Shalom Chaveyrim. Shalom Venner. Shenandoah. Fortell Ol 'Bill. Marianne. Du trengte meg. Sixteen Tons. Ramblin '' Round.