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Rejoice in God. The K. Lee Scott Hymnary. K. Lee Scott.Oversettelse
Gled dere på Gud. Den K. Lee Scott Hymnary. K. Lee Scott.Original
Rejoice in God. The K. Lee Scott Hymnary composed by K. Lee Scott. Book. Published by MorningStar Music Publishers. MN.90-28. This collection of hymns features the work of composer K. Lee Scott. Many of the hymn tunes have been taken from previously published K. Lee Scott choral anthems from a wide variety of publishers. This collection features a combination of beautifully written hymn tunes and meaningful texts. First Lines and Titles. A City Radiant as a Bride. Above the Voices of the World. Agnus Dei. All Praise to Christ. As Pants the Hart. Be Near Me, Lord. Before the Cross. Best of All Friends. Chill of the Nightfall. Christ Calls Us Forth. Christmas Candle. Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life. Fight the Good Fight. For Peace with God Above. Forth in the Peace of Christ We Go. From Life's Bright Dawn. Give Thanks to God on High. Giver of Every Perfect Gift. Gloria in excelsis. Glory to God in the Highest. God of Grace and God of Laughter. Have You Not Known. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord. Humbly Walk with God. Jesus, Lamb of God. Jesus, My Lord, Let Me Be Near You. Joy to the Heart. Kyrie. Let Your Alleluias Rise. Lift Your Voice Rejoicing, Mary. Listen, O You Mountains. Long God's Faithful People Waited. Look There. The Christ. Lord, Have Mercy. Lord, Make Us Servants of Your Peace. Love Came Down at Christmas. My Lord and Master. Name of All Majesty. Not for Tongues of Heaven's Angels. O God of Font and Altar. O God, Beneath Your Guiding Hand. Peace Came to Earth. Rejoice in God, Let Trumpets Sound. Sanctus. Service and Strength. Sing to the Lord a New Song. The Best of Gifts. The Call. The Glory of Christ. The Love of Christ Who Died for Me. The Pilgrim Church of God. The Tree of Life. There in God's Garden. We Believe in God the Father. We Come with Songs of Blessing. When the Morning Stars Together. Without the Fire. You That Know the Lord Is Gracious. You, Living Christ, Our Eyes Behold. Zion, at Thy Shining Gates. Tunes.Oversettelse
Gled dere på Gud. Den K. Lee Scott Hymnary komponert av K. Lee Scott. Bestill. Publisert av Morningstar Music Publishers. MN.90-28. Denne samlingen av salmer har arbeidet for komponisten K. Lee Scott. Mange av salmer er tatt fra tidligere publiserte K. Lee Scott kor klassikere fra en rekke utgivere. Denne samlingen inneholder en kombinasjon av vakkert skrevet salmer og meningsfulle tekster. Første linjene og titler. En by Radiant som en brud. Over Voices of the World. Agnus Dei. All ros til Kristus. Som Pants The Hart. Be Near Me, Herre. Før Cross. Best av alle venner. Chill av Nightfall. Kristus Kaller Oss Forth. Julen Candle. Kom, My Way, My Truth, My Life. Kjemp den gode kampen. For Fred med Gud Above. Forth i Kristi fred We Go. Fra Livets Bright Dawn. Gi Takket være Gud i det høye. Giver av all fullkommen gave. Gloria in excelsis. Ære være Gud i det høyeste. Gud nåde og God of Latter. Har du ikke kjent. Hellig, hellig, hellig Herre. Ydmykt vandring med Gud. Jesus, Guds Lam. Jesus, min Herre, la meg være nær deg. Joy til hjertet. Kyrie. Let Your Alleluias Rise. Løft Your Voice Rejoicing, Mary. Hør, dere Mountains. Long Guds trofaste folk ventet. Se Det. Kristus. Herre, forbarm. Herre, gjør oss Servants av din fred. Kjærlighet Came Down i julen. My Lord and Master. Navn på All Majesty. Ikke for Tongues Of Heaven Angels. O Gud Skrift og Altar. O Gud, Beneath Your Guiding Hånd. Freden kom til Jorden. Gled dere på Gud, la Trompeter Sound. Sanctus. Service og Styrke. Syng for Herren en ny sang. The Best of Gifts. The Call. The Glory of Christ. Kristi kjærlighet som døde for meg. The Pilgrim Church of God. The Tree of Life. Der i Guds hage. Vi tror på Gud Fader. Vi kommer med Songs of Blessing. Når morgenstjernene Together. Uten Brann. Du som kjenner Herren er nådig. Du, levende Kristus, for våre øyne. Sion på Thy Shining Gates. Tunes.Populære søk