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Junior Hymnbook. Rachel Beatty Kahl. Piano sheet music.


Junior salmeboken. Rachel Beatty Kahl. Piano noter.


Junior Hymnbook. Book 2. Composed by Rachel Beatty Kahl. Arranged by Rachel Beatty Kahl. For Piano. Keyboard. Music Sales America. Sacred. 40 pages. Boston Music #BMC12131. Published by Boston Music. HL.14017425. Hymns taken from youth and children's hymnals known throughout America provide playing pleasure while developing note-reading facility and ear training. Songs include. Faith of Our Fathers. Onward, Christian Soldiers. Saviour, Like A Shepherd Lead Us. Sweet By and By. and more. Section I - Key of C. Faith of Our Fathers. God Himself Is Present. He Lives on High. Jesus Loves Even Me. My God. How Wonderful Thou Art. Open My Eyes, That I May See. Sweet By And By. Wonderful Story of Love. Yield not To Temptation. Section II - Key of G. Crown Him With Many Crowns. God, The All-Merciful. Jesus Shall Reign Where'er The Sun. Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing. My Church, My Church, My Dear Old Church. MY God, Accept My Heart This Day. O Jesus, Thou Art Standing. Onward, Christian Soldiers. Rejoice, The Lord Is King. Softly Now the Light of Day. Section III - Key of F. Blessing and Honor, and Glory and Power. Bringing in the Sheaves. Eternal Father. Strong to Save. open Now Thy Gates of Beauty. Saviour, Blessed Saviour. Saviour, Like A Shepherd Lead Us. Saviour, Who Thy Flock Art Feeding. Take the Name of Jesus With You. Section IV - Extended Hand Position in Key of G. Angel Voices, Ever Singing. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken. Golden Harps Are Sounding. Heavenly Sunlight. Holy, Holy, Holy. I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord. I Would Be True. Jesus Call US. My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less. Near the Cross. Now Thank We All Our God. Pass Me Not.


Junior salmeboken. Bok 2. Komponert av Rachel Beatty Kahl. Arrangert av Rachel Beatty Kahl. For Piano. Keyboard. Music Sales America. Sacred. 40 sider. Boston Music. Publisert av Boston Music. HL.14017425. Salmer tatt fra ungdom og barnesalmebøker kjent over hele Amerika gir spilleglede samtidig utvikle notat-lesing anlegget og hørelære. Sanger inkluderer. Faith of Our Fathers. Onward, Christian Soldiers. Frelser, Like A Shepherd føre oss. Søt etter hvert. og mer. Del I - Key of C. Faith of Our Fathers. Gud selv er til stede. Han lever på høy. Jesus Loves Even Me. Min Gud. Hvordan Wonderful Thou Art. Åpne øynene mine, så jeg ser på. Søt etter hvert. Wonderful Story of Love. Yield ikke for fristelsen. Avsnitt II - Key of G. Krone Ham Med mange kroner. Gud, The All-Barmhjertige. Jesus skal regjere Where'er The Sun. Herre, Forkast oss med din velsignelse. Min kirke, min menighet, min kjære gamle kirke. MIN Gud, Accept My Heart This Day. O Jesus, Thou Art Standing. Onward, Christian Soldiers. Gled dere, Herren er konge. Softly nå dagens lys. Seksjon III - Key of F. Velsignelse og ære og pris og Power. Bringe i Sheaves. Evig Far. Sterk å spare. åpent nå Thy Gates of Beauty. Frelser, Salige Frelser. Frelser, Like A Shepherd føre oss. Frelser, Hvem Thy Flock Art Feeding. Ta Jesu Navn With You. Avsnitt IV - Utvidet håndstilling i Key of G. Angel Voices, Ever Singing. Glorious ting av Thee snakkes. Gylne Harps Er Sounding. Heavenly Sollys. Hellig, hellig, hellig. I Love Thy Kingdom, Herre. Jeg ville være sant. Jesus RING OSS. Mitt håp er bygget på Nothing Less. Nær Cross. Nå vi takker alle Vårt Gud. Pass Me Not.