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Ten Who Counted. Greg Gilpin. Voice sheet music. Choir sheet music. Piano Accompaniment sheet music.Oversettelse
Ti Hvem Telles. Greg Gilpin. Tale noter. Choir noter. Pianoakkompagnement noter.Original
Ten Who Counted. Influential African Americans You May Not Know. Composed by Greg Gilpin. For 2-part choir, piano. with optional narrator. Choral Collection. Educational, Choral. Vocal score and accompaniment CD. Published by Heritage Music Press. LO.30-2361H. Sometimes history misplaces or forgets important people who dreamed, fought, served, made changes in our lives, and affected history's path. In this exciting new collection. revue, we are introduced through story and song to ten African Americans whose contributions to society, culture, our nation, and the world should be celebrated and never forgotten. Included are. The Soldier - Henry Johnson. The Activist - A. Phillip Randolph. The Journalist - John Russwurm. The Fighter - Jack Johnson. The Singer - Mamie Smith. The Film Maker - Oscar Micheaux. The Politician - P.B.S. Pinchback. The Preacher - Adam Clayton Powell. The Entrepreneur - Madame C.J. Walker. and The Explorer - Matthew Alexander Henson. The narrative script is a terrific teaching tool, providing interesting facts and information about each person and his or her contributions. What a terrific presentation for African American History Month celebrations, and a valuable resource for multicultural and interdisciplinary studies. A Soldier for Us All. We've Got a Brotherhood. Mamie Smith is Comin' to Town. Oh Oscar Micheaux. Pinchback the Politician. P.B.S. Pinchback. Extra Extra. Call Him Jack Johnson. Preacher Powell. Adam Clayton Powell. We Are All Beautiful. Top of the World. Optional Narrative Script.Oversettelse
Ti Hvem Telles. Innflytelsesrike afroamerikanere du kanskje ikke vet. Komponert av Greg Gilpin. For to-del kor, piano. med valgfri fortelleren. Choral Collection. Educational, Choral. Vocal score og akkompagnement CD. Publisert av Heritage Music Press. LO.30-2361H. Noen ganger historie forlegger eller glemmer viktige personer som drømte, kjempet, servert, gjort endringer i våre liv, og berørte historiens banen. I denne spennende nye kolleksjonen. revy, blir vi introdusert gjennom historien og sang til ti afroamerikanere som bidrag til samfunnet, kultur, vår nasjon, og verden bør feires og aldri glemt. Inkludert er. The Soldier - Henry Johnson. Den Activist - A. Phillip Randolph. Den Journalist - John Russwurm. The Fighter - Jack Johnson. The Singer - Mamie Smith. Film Maker - Oscar Micheaux. Politikeren - P.B.S. Pinchback. The Preacher - Adam Clayton Powell. The Entrepreneur - Madame C.J. Walker. og The Explorer - Matthew Alexander Henson. Den narrative skriptet er et kjempefint pedagogisk verktøy, og gir interessante fakta og informasjon om hver person og hans eller hennes bidrag. Hva en fantastisk presentasjon for African American History Month feiringer, og en verdifull ressurs for flerkulturelle og tverrfaglige studier. En soldat for oss alle. Vi har en Brotherhood. Mamie Smith er Comin 'to Town. Oh Oscar Micheaux. Pinchback politikeren. P.B.S. Pinchback. Extra Extra. Kalle ham Jack Johnson. Preacher Powell. Adam Clayton Powell. Vi er alle vakre. Top of the World. Valgfritt Narrative Script.Populære søk