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Neil Diamond. Neil Diamond. Easy Guitar sheet music.Oversettelse
Neil Diamond. Neil Diamond. Easy Guitar noter.Original
Neil Diamond by Neil Diamond. For Guitar. Strum It. Guitar. 80 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.699593. ISBN 0634059203. 9x12 inches. "Strum It" was created to get guitar students and self-taught guitarists playing along with their favorite songs. The songs are arranged using their original keys in lead sheet format, and include the chords for each song, beginning to end. Perfect for players who want to play along with the original recordings, the melody and lyrics are also shown to help players keep their spot and to sing along. Strum It does not include tablature, or the difficult solo passages from the original recordings. "Strum It" was created to get guitar students and self-taught guitarists playing along with their favorite songs. The songs are arranged using their original keys in lead sheet format, and include the chords for each song, beginning to end. Perfect for players who want to play along with the original recordings, the melody and lyrics are also shown to help players keep their spot and to sing along. Strum It does not include tablature, or the difficult solo passages from the original recordings. America. Beautiful Noise. Brooklyn Roads. Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show. Cherry, Cherry. Cracklin' Rosie. Crunchy Granola Suite. Desiree. Forever In Blue Jeans. Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon. Heartlight. Holly Holy. I Am.. I Said. I Got The Feelin'. Oh No, No. I'm A Believer. If You Know What I Mean. Kentucky Woman. Play Me. Red, Red Wine. Solitary Man. Song Sung Blue. Sweet Caroline. Thank The Lord For The Night Time. You Don't Bring Me Flowers. You Got To Me. Hello Again. And The Grass Won't Pay No Mind. Love On The Rocks.Oversettelse
Neil Diamond Neil Diamond. For Guitar. Klimpre Det. Guitar. 80 sider. Publisert av Hal Leonard. HL.699593. ISBN 0634059203. 9x12 inches. "Strum It" ble opprettet for å få gitarstudenter og selvlærte gitarister som spiller sammen med sine favorittsanger. Sangene er arrangert ved hjelp av sine opprinnelige tastene i bly ark format, og inkluderer de akkorder for hver sang, begynnelse til slutt. Perfekt for spillere som ønsker å spille sammen med de originale innspillingene, er melodien og tekstene også vist seg å hjelpe spillerne å holde sin plass og å synge sammen. Strum Det omfatter ikke tabulatur, eller de vanskelige soloparti fra de originale innspillingene. "Strum It" ble opprettet for å få gitarstudenter og selvlærte gitarister som spiller sammen med sine favorittsanger. Sangene er arrangert ved hjelp av sine opprinnelige tastene i bly ark format, og inkluderer de akkorder for hver sang, begynnelse til slutt. Perfekt for spillere som ønsker å spille sammen med de originale innspillingene, er melodien og tekstene også vist seg å hjelpe spillerne å holde sin plass og å synge sammen. Strum Det omfatter ikke tabulatur, eller de vanskelige soloparti fra de originale innspillingene. Amerika. Vakker Noise. Brooklyn Roads. Brother Love Reiser Salvation Show. Cherry, Cherry. Cracklin 'Rosie. Crunchy Granola Suite. Desiree. Forever In Blue Jeans. Jente, vil du bli en Woman Soon. Heart. Holly Holy. I Am.. I Said. I Got The Feelin '. Oh No, No. Jeg er en troende. Hvis du vet hva jeg mener. Kentucky Woman. Play Me. Red, Red Wine. Solitary Man. Song Sung Blå. Søte Caroline. Takk Herren for natten. Du må ikke Bring Me Flowers. You Got To Me. Hei Igjen. Og gresset vil ikke betale No Mind. Love On The Rocks.Populære søk