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Hymns For The Family Of God. Red. Various. Choir sheet music.Oversettelse
Salmer for familien til Gud. Red. Diverse. Choir noter.Original
Hymns For The Family Of God. Red. arranged by Various. For SATB choir. Benson Hymnals. Sacred, Modern Christian. Hymnal. Published by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.8441800017. A great resource as well as a congregational book of worship. This comprehensive compilation by Fred Bock employed the assistance and recommendations of over 40 pastors, musicians and laymen, and cooperation by scores of authors and publishers. It was also the first-time use of the songs He Touched Me, The Lord's Prayer and It Is No Secret, now considered hymn standards. Congregational readings contain scripture passages selected from among 20 respected Bible versions and appropriate inspirational writings by Billy Graham, C.S. Lewis, Peter Marshall, Charles Allen and Oswald Chambers, among others. Over 50 optional last-verse harmonizations or descants add to the beauty of these arrangements. This hymnal serves as a complete lexicon of music for the Church today, inspirational and functional to each member of the diverse family of believers. Songs include. 'Til The Storm Passes By - 'Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus - A Christian Home - A Hymn Of Joy We Sing - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God - A Shelter In The Time Of Storm - A Song Of Peace - Abide With Me - Alas. And Did My Savior Bleed - All Creatures Of Our God And King - All For Jesus - All Glory, Laud and Honor - All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name - All My Heart Today Rejoices - All People That On Earth Do Dwell - All Praise To Thee, My God - All The Way My Savior Leads Me - Alleluia - Almost Persuaded - Am I A Soldier Of The Cross - Amazing Grace. How Sweet The Sound - Amen - America, The Beautiful - America, The Heritage - And Can It Be That I Should Gain. - Angels From The Realms Of Glory - Angels We Have Heard On High - Anywhere With Jesus - Are Ye Able, Said The Master - Are You Washed In The Blood. - As With Gladness Men Of Old - At Calvary - At The Cross - At The Name Of Jesus - Away In A Manger - Battle Hymn Of The Republic - Be Still My Soul - Be Thou My Vision - Beacuse He Lives - Begin, My Tongue, Some Heavenly Theme - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus - Beyond The Sunset - Bless His Holy Name - Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine - Blessed Be The Name - Blessed Jesus - Blessed Quietness - Blessed Redeemer - Blest Be The Tie That Binds - Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light - Break Thou The Bread Of Life - Breathe On Me, Breath Of God - Brethern, We Have Met To Worship - Built On The Rock - Burdens Are Lifted At Calvary - Calvary Covers It All - Cast Thy Burden Upon The Lord - Child In The Manger - Children Of The Heavenly Father - Christ Arose - Christ For The World We Sing - Christ Is Coming. - Christ Is Made The Sure Foundation - Christ Returneth. Scriptural index of readings. Index of readings. Scriptural allusions in hymns. Topical index with 81 headings. Alphabetical index of titles and first lines. with hymn origin including ÒHymntuneÓ name. 699 selections. including readings. arranged by topic.Oversettelse
Salmer for familien til Gud. Red. arrangert av Various. For SATB kor. Benson salmebøker. Sacred, Modern Christian. Salmebok. Publisert av Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.8441800017. En stor ressurs, samt en menighets bok for tilbedelse. Denne omfattende samling av Fred Bock ansatt hjelp og anbefalinger av over 40 pastorer, musikere og legfolk, og samarbeid med scorene til forfattere og forlag. Det var også den første gangs bruk av sangene han rørte meg, Fadervår og det er ingen hemmelighet, nå anses salme standarder. Menighets opplesninger inneholde skriftsteder valgt blant 20 respekterte bibel og egnede inspirerende skrifter av Billy Graham, CS Lewis, Peter Marshall, Charles Allen og Oswald Chambers, blant andre. Over 50 valg siste vers harmonizations eller descants legge til skjønnheten av disse ordningene. Denne salmeboken fungerer som et komplett leksikon med musikk for Kirken i dag, inspirerende og funksjonell til hvert medlem av den mangfoldig familie av troende. Sanger inkluderer. 'Til The Storm Passes By -' Tis So Sweet å stole på Jesus - et kristent hjem - En Hymn Of Joy We Sing - A Mighty Fortress er vår Gud - En Shelter In The Time Of Storm - A Song Of Peace - Abide With Me - Alas. Og Did My Savior Bleed - Alle Creatures vår Gud og konge - alt for Jesus - All Glory, Laud og ære - All Hail The Power Of Jesu Navn - All My Heart I dag gleder seg - Alle People That On Earth Do Dwell - All Praise Til deg, min Gud - All The Way My Savior Leads Me - Halleluja - Nesten Talt - Am IA Soldier Of The Cross - Amazing Grace. How Sweet The Sound - Amen - Amerika, The Beautiful - Amerika, The Heritage - og kan det være at jeg skal få. - Angels fra områdene av Glory - Engler vi har hørt On High - helst med Jesus - Er Ye Able, sa herren - Er du Vasket In The Blood. - Som med glede Men Of Old - På Golgata - At The Cross - At The Name Of Jesus - Away In A Manger - Battle Hymn Of The Republic - Be Still My Soul - Vær Du My Vision - Itillegg Han lever - Begin, My Tongue , noen himmelske Tema - Beneath The Cross Of Jesus - Beyond The Sunset - love hans hellige navn - Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine - navn være lovet - Blessed Jesus - Blessed Stillhet - Blessed Redeemer - Blest Be The Tie som binder - Break Forth , O Beauteous himmelske lys - Break Thou livets brød - Breathe On Me, Breath Of God - Brethern, vi har møtt for å tilbe - Bygget On The Rock - byrder løftes på Golgata - Golgata dekker det hele - Cast Thy tynger Herre - Child In The Manger - Children Of The himmelske Fader - Christ Arose - Kristus For The World We Sing - Christ Is Coming. - Kristus er Made The Sure Foundation - Kristus vender tilbake. Skriftens indeks over avlesninger. Index of opplesninger. Bibelske allusjoner i salmer. Aktuelt indeksen med 81 overskrifter. Alfabetisk indeks over titler og første linjene. med salme opprinnelse inkludert ÒHymntuneÓ navn. 699 valg. herunder målinger. ordnet etter emne.Populære søk