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The R&B Songs Big Book. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.
R. Diverse. Piano, Vokal, gitar noter. Tale noter. Gitar noter.
The R&B Songs Big Book by Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. C Mixed Folio. Piano. Vocal. Chords. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Softcover. 256 pages. Hal Leonard #28068. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.322084. ISBN 0739047647. 9x12 inches. Each songbook in the Big Book series provides musicians of all ability levels with a big list – usually 40 or more titles per book – of the very best songs from a favorite musical genre. Sing and dance along to these modern R&B favorites from a plethora of award-winning artists. Song include. Be Without You. Mary J. Blige. Crazy. Gnarls Barkley. Dreamlover. Mariah Carey. For You I Will. Monica. Get it on Tonight. Montell Jordan. I Turn to You. Christina Aguilera. Promiscuous. Nelly Furtado. Shake It Off. Mariah Carey. Too Little Too Late. Jo Jo. What Goes Around Comes Around. Justin Timberlake. Where My Girls At. 702. and many more. Another Sad Love Song. Baby Mama. Be Without You. Beep. Best Friend. Can't Get Enough Of Your Love, Babe. Crazy. Dance With My Father. Dilemna. Dirrty. Dreamlover. For You I Will. Get Here. Get It On Tonite. Give Me You. Gotta Go. Hold You Down. Hotel. How To Deal. I Am Not My Hair. I Turn To You. I'm Your Baby Tonight. Dronez Mix. In Da Club. Just Friends. Sunny. Let's Ge Down. Little Things. Miss You. Naughty Girl. Oops. Oh My. Promiscous. Shake it off. Stickwitu. Too Little Too Late. Touch the Sky. Un-Break My Heart. Usta Be My Girl. What Goes AroundÉ Comes Around. Where I Wanna Be. Where My Girls At. Wifey. You Make Me Feel Brand New.
R. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. C Blandet Folio. Plan. Vocal. Chords. Plan. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Paperback. 256 sider. Hal Leonard. Publisert av Hal Leonard. HL.322084. ISBN 0739047647. 9x12 inches. Hver sangbok i Big Book-serien gir musikere på alle ferdighetsnivåer med en stor liste - vanligvis 40 eller flere titler per bok - av de aller beste sangene fra en favoritt musikksjanger. Synge og danse sammen til disse moderne R. Song inkluderer. Vær Without You. Mary J. Blige. Crazy. Gnarls Barkley. Dreamlover. Mariah Carey. For deg vil jeg. Monica. Få det på Tonight. Montell Jordan. Jeg vender meg til deg. Christina Aguilera. Promiskuøse. Nelly Furtado. Shake It Off. Mariah Carey. Too Little Too Late. Jo Jo. What Goes Around Comes Around. Justin Timberlake. Hvor Mine jenter på. 702. og mange flere. En annen Sad Love Song. Baby Mama. Vær Without You. Beep. Best Friend. Kan ikke få nok av Your Love, Babe. Crazy. Dance With My Father. Dilemna. Dirrty. Dreamlover. For deg vil jeg. Få her. Get It On Tonite. Give Me Du. Gotta Go. Hold You Down. Hotel. Hvordan man skal håndtere. I Am Not My Hair. Jeg Turn To You. Jeg er Your Baby Tonight. Dronez Mix. In Da Club. Just Friends. Sunny. La oss Ge Down. Little Things. Miss You. Naughty Girl. Oops. Oh My. Promiscous. Shake it off. Stickwitu. Too Little Too Late. Touch the Sky. Un-Break My Heart. Usta Be My Girl. What Goes AroundÉ Comes Around. Der jeg Wanna Be. Hvor Mine jenter på. Wifey. You Make Me Feel Brand New.