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That's Why We Praise Him. Choral Book. Bradley Knight. Choir sheet music. Intermediate.Oversettelse
Det er derfor vi Praise Him. Choral Book. Bradley Knight. Choir noter. Intermediate.Original
That's Why We Praise Him. Choral Book. arranged by Bradley Knight. For SATB choir. Benson Choral. Sacred, Modern Christian. Moderate. Choral Book. Published by Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.4575708857. This brand new choral collection from Benson Music Publications is an expression of praise for what God has done in the heart of a humble writer named Tommy Walker. It's more than the groove, more than the energy. it's the message. God sent His Son to live, die and rise again. That is the gospel story. that is our hope. That's Why We Praise Him. These 14 songs have been arranged and orchestrated for choirs, like Riverside Baptist, Denver, Colorado, who love to express their praise with passion and fire. Bradley Knight has amazed us on projects with the Christ Church Choir and Geron Davis and given us blockbuster collections such as That Name-A Soulful Celebration of Worship & He's Alive-A Celebration of Easter. Now he has taken these fantastic Tommy Walker songs and arranged over 70 minutes of worship & praise for your choir & orchestra. We hope that the hearts of your choir & congregation will be filled with joy as they sing That's Why We Praise Him. Songs include. Amen - He Knows My Name - Here I Am Again with Never Gonna Stop - How Good And Pleasant - I Fix My Eyes On You - Lord, I Believe In You - Make It Glorious - No Greater Love with Mourning Into Dancing - Only A God Like You - Thank You For Loving Me - That's Why We Praise Him - When All Is Said And Done.Oversettelse
Det er derfor vi Praise Him. Choral Book. arrangert av Bradley Knight. For SATB kor. Benson Choral. Sacred, Modern Christian. Liten. Choral Book. Publisert av Brentwood-Benson Music Publishing. BN.4575708857. Dette splitter nye kor samling fra Benson Musikk Publications er et uttrykk for ros for hva Gud har gjort i hjertet av en ydmyk forfatter som heter Tommy Walker. Det er mer enn sporet, mer enn den energien. det er budskapet. Gud sendte sin Sønn for å leve, dø og stå opp igjen. Det er evangeliet historien. som er vårt håp. Det er derfor vi lov ham. Disse 14 låtene har blitt arrangert og orkestrert for kor, som Riverside Baptist, Denver, Colorado, som elsker å uttrykke sin ros med lidenskap og brann. Bradley Knight har overrasket oss på prosjekter med Christ Church Choir og Geron Davis og gitt oss blockbuster samlinger som Det Navn-A Soulful Celebration of Worship. Nå har han tatt disse fantastiske Tommy Walker sanger og arrangert over 70 minutter for tilbedelse. Vi håper at hjertene til ditt kor. Amen - Han Knows My Name - Her er jeg igjen med Never Gonna Stop - Hvor god og hyggelig - jeg fikse My Eyes On You - Herre, jeg tror på deg - Make It Glorious - No Greater Love med Mourning Into Dancing - bare en gud Like You - Thank You For Loving Me - Det er derfor vi Praise Him - Når alt er sagt og gjort.Populære søk