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Even More Easy Pop Rhythms - 2nd Edition. Various. Electric Guitar sheet music.Oversettelse
Enda mer lett Pop Rhythms - 2nd Edition. Diverse. Elektrisk gitar arket musikk.Original
Even More Easy Pop Rhythms - 2nd Edition. Correlates with Book 3. By Various. For Guitar. Guitar Method. Softcover with CD. 48 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.697323. ISBN 0634030507. 9x12 inches. Strum along with your favorite hits from the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Nirvana, and many others. The songs in this book are presented in order of difficulty, so you can work along with the Level 3 book of the Hal Leonard Guitar Method or any other guitar method. The accompanying CD includes every song recorded by a full band so you can hear how each song sounds and then play along when you're ready. 20 songs including. Angie. Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Dreams. Everything I Do. I Do It for You. Give a Little Bit. Give Me One Reason. I Won't Back Down. The Man Who Sold the World. One Love. Respect. Revolution. Smooth. and more. The world-famous Hal Leonard Guitar Method is preferred by teachers because it makes them more effective while making their job easier. Students enjoy its easy-to-follow format that gives them a solid music education while letting them play songs right away. The Hal Leonard Guitar Method provides a complete system to playing success which includes three levels of instruction and a myriad of play-along supplemental songbooks that let students play great songs while they're still learning to play. Signs. Dreams. Surrender. Across The Universe. Give Me One Reason. Give A Little Bit. Smooth. Show Me The Way. Angie. Respect. Everything I Do. I Do It For You. I Won't Back Down. The Man Who Sold The World. R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A.. A Salute To 60's Rock. While My Guitar Gently Weeps. Wooly Bully. I Will. One Love. Revolution. Crazy Little Thing Called Love.Oversettelse
Enda mer lett Pop Rhythms - 2nd Edition. Korrelerer med bok 3. Various. For Guitar. Guitar Method. Heftet med CD. 48 sider. Publisert av Hal Leonard. HL.697323. ISBN 0634030507. 9x12 inches. Klimpre sammen med dine favoritt treff fra The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Nirvana, og mange andre. Sangene i denne boken presenteres for vanskelighetsgrad, slik at du kan arbeide sammen med Level 3 bok av Hal Leonard Guitar Method eller noen annen gitar metode. Den medfølgende CDen inneholder hver sang innspilt av et fullt band, slik at du kan høre hvordan hver sang høres og deretter spille sammen når du er klar. 20 sanger, inkludert. Angie. Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Drømmer. Alt jeg gjør. Jeg gjøre det for deg. Gi en Little Bit. Give Me One Reason. Jeg vil ikke Back Down. Mannen som solgte verden. One Love. Respekt. Revolution. Glatt. og mer. Den verdensberømte Hal Leonard Guitar Method er foretrukket av lærere fordi det gjør dem mer effektive, samtidig som jobben deres enklere. Studenter nyte sin lett-å-følge-format som gir dem en solid musikkutdannelse samtidig som den lar dem spille sanger med en gang. Hal Leonard Guitar Method gir et komplett system for å spille suksess som omfatter tre nivåer av instruksjon og en myriade av spill langs supplerende sangbøker som lar elevene spille gode låter mens de fortsatt lære å spille. Signs. Drømmer. Surrender. Across The Universe. Give Me One Reason. Give A Little Bit. Glatt. Show Me The Way. Angie. Respekt. Alt jeg gjør. Jeg gjøre det for deg. Jeg vil ikke Back Down. Mannen som solgte verden. R.O.C.K. I The U.S.A.. En hyllest til 60-tallet Rock. Mens My Guitar forsiktig gråter. Wooly Bully. I Will. One Love. Revolution. Crazy Little Thing Called Love.Populære søk