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Freedom's Light - vocal cassette. Janice Kapp Perry. Voice sheet music.


Freedom Light - vokal kassett. Janice Kapp Perry. Tale noter.


Freedom's Light - vocal cassette composed by Janice Kapp Perry. Patriotic. Cassette. Published by Jackman Music Corporation. JK.40034. Songs included on this vocal cassette are. "Freedom's Light" "Morning Breaks on Arlington" "Everyday Heroes" "The Country of the Free" "Heal Our Land" "I Love Old Glory" "I Pledge Allegiance" "You Gotta Love This Country" "One Nation Under God" "One Voice" These songs are included in the book "Freedom's Light". #40030. Freedom's Light. Morning Breaks on Arlington. Everyday Heroes. The Country of the Free. Heal Our Land. I Love Old Glory. I Pledge Allegiance. You Gotta Love This Country. One Nation Under God. One Voice.


Freedom Light - vokal kassett komponert av Janice Kapp Perry. Patriotic. Kassett. Publisert av Jackman Music Corporation. JK.40034. Sanger som er inkludert på denne vokal kassett er. "Freedom Light" "Morning Breaks på Arlington" "Everyday Heroes" "The Country of the Free" "Heal Vårt Land" "I Love Old Glory" "Jeg Pledge Allegiance" "You Gotta Love This Land" "One Nation Under God" "One Voice" Disse sangene er inkludert i boken "Freedom Light". # 40030. Freedom Light. Morning Breaks på Arlington. Everyday Heroes. The Land of the Free. Heal Vårt Land. I Love Old Glory. I Pledge Allegiance. You Gotta Love This Land. One Nation Under God. One Voice.