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Benjamin Britten - Collected Songs. Benjamin Britten. Low Voice sheet music. Medium Voice sheet music. Medium-Low Voice sheet music. Voice Solo sheet music.Oversettelse
Benjamin Britten - Collected Songs. Benjamin Britten. Lav Voice noter. Medium Voice noter. Medium-Low Voice noter. Voice Solo noter.Original
Benjamin Britten - Collected Songs. Medium. Low Voice. 60 Songs. Composed by Benjamin Britten. 1913-1976. Arranged by Richard Walters. For Vocal. Medium Low Voice. Boosey & Hawkes Voice. Softcover. 304 pages. Boosey & Hawkes #M051933983. Published by Boosey & Hawkes. HL.48019419. ISBN 1423429761. 9x12 inches. 60 songs, with extensive historical introductory notes. Includes all art songs originally composed for voice and piano published by Boosey & Hawkes. The content is the same for the High Voice and Medium. Low Voice volumes, with newly published transpositions as necessary. Contents. The Birds. A Charm of Lullabies. 5 songs. Evening, Morning, Night. Fish in the Unruffled Lakes. 6 songs. The Holy Sonnets of John Donne. 8 songs. On This Island. 5 songs. Sechs Hölderlin Fragmente. 6 songs. Seven Sonnets of Michelangelo. Songs from the Chinese. 6 songs, transcribed for voice and piano. Winter Words. 8 songs plus 2 songs cut from the cycle. Two Ballads. duets. Morning. Nocturne. Dance Song. Evening. Seascape. Night. Proud Songsters. The Choirmaster's Burial. The Birds. A Cradle Song. The Highland Balou. Sephestia's Lullaby. A Charm. The Nurse's Song. To Lie Flat On the Back. Night Covers Up the Rigid Land. The Sun Shines Down. Fish in the Unruffled Lakes. What's In Your Mind. Underneath the Abject Willow. Oh My Blacke Soule. Batter My Heart. O Might Those Sighes and Teares. Oh, to Vex Me. What If This Present. Since She Whom I Loved. At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners. Thou Hast Made Me. Death, Be Not Proud. Let the Florid Music Praise. Now the Leaves Are Falling Fast. As Its Is, Plenty. Menschenbeifall. Die Heimat. Sokrates und Alcibiades. Die Jugend. Halfte des Lebens. Die Linien des Lebens. Sonetto XVI. Sonetto XXXI. Sonetto XXX. Sonetto LV. Sonetto XXXVIII. Sonetto XXXII. Sonetto XXIV. The Big Chariot. The Old Lute. The Autumn Wind. The Herd-Boy. Depression. Mother Comfort. Underneath The Abject Willow. solo version. At Day-Close in November. Midnight At The Great Western. Wagtail and Baby. The Little Old Table. At the Railway Station, Upway. Before Life and After. The Children And Sir Nameless. If It's Ever Spring Again.Oversettelse
Benjamin Britten - Collected Songs. Medium. Lav Voice. 60 Songs. Komponert av Benjamin Britten. 1913-1976. Arrangert av Richard Walters. For Vocal. Middels Lav Voice. Boosey. Paperback. 304 sider. Буси. Publisert av Boosey. HL.48019419. ISBN 1423429761. 9x12 inches. 60 sanger, med omfattende historiske innledende anmerkninger. Inkluderer alle kunst sanger opprinnelig komponert for sang og piano utgitt av Boosey. Innholdet er det samme for høy stemme og Medium. Lav stemme volumer, med nylig publiserte transpositions som nødvendig. Innhold. The Birds. En Charm of Lullabies. 5 sanger. Kveld, Morgen, Natt. Fisk i uberørt Lakes. 6 sanger. The Holy Sonnets av John Donne. 8 sanger. På denne øya. 5 sanger. Seks Hölderlin Fragments. 6 sanger. Syv Sonnets av Michelangelo. Sanger fra kineserne. 6 sanger, transkribert for stemme og piano. Winter Words. 8 låter pluss to sanger kuttet fra syklusen. To Ballads. duetter. Morgen. Nocturnal. Dance Song. Kveld. Seascape. Natt. Stolte songsters. The Choirmaster grav. The Birds. En Cradle Song. The Highland Balou. Sephestia Lullaby. En Charm. Sykepleierens Song. Å ligge flatt på ryggen. Natt dekker opp den Rigid Land. Solen skinner ned. Fisk i uberørt Lakes. Hva er i dine Mind. Under ynke Willow. Oh My Blacke Soule. Batter My Heart. O Might Disse Sighes og Teares. Oh, for å Vex Me. Hva hvis dette Present. Siden Hun Hvem jeg elsket. På Round jordas Imagined Corners. Du gjorde meg. Død, Vær ikke stolt. La Florid Music Praise. Nå Leaves Are Falling Fast. Som ITS, Plenty. Folk heier. Hjemmet. Sokrates und Alkibiades. Ungdommene. Halvparten av livet. Linjene av den levende. Sonetto XVI. Sonetto XXXI. Sonetto XXX. Sonetto LV. Sonetto XXXVIII. Sonetto XXXII. Sonetto XXIV. The Big Chariot. The Old Lute. The Autumn Wind. The Herd-gutt. Depresjon. Mor Comfort. Under ynke Willow. bare versjon. At Dag-Close i november. Midnight At The Great Western. Linerle og Baby. The Little Old Table. På jernbanestasjonen, Upway. Før Liv og Etter. Barna og Sir Nameless. Hvis det noensinne Spring Again.Populære søk