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The Celtic Harp. Celtic Harp sheet music.Oversettelse
The Celtic Harp. Celtic Harp noter.Original
The Celtic Harp edited by John Loesburg. Arranged by Siobhan Bhreathnach. For Harp. Music Sales America. Irish, Folk, Scottish. 40 pages. Omnibus Press #OMB161. Published by Omnibus Press. HL.14006328. ISBN 190042813X. Irish, Folk, Scottish. 9x12 inches. A hand-picked collection of the finest old airs and dance tunes from the Celtic countries. The music has been arranged for easy harp but it is suitable for piano and keyboard or most other melody instruments. A wide variety of styles and flavors are included in this book and it is a perfect addition to the repertoire of any musician who has interests in harp music. The book incorporates the various fashions and approaches of musicians in Ireland, Great Britain, Wales, Cornwall and the Isle of Man. This edition is complete with a CD of professional demonstration recordings to further help you capture that authentic Celtic character. Contents. An Alarc'h. Ar Serjant-Major. The Sergeant Major. Buain Na Rainich. The Cutting of the Fern. Carval Ny Drogh Vranne. Jezebel Carol. Come Under My Plaidie. Difyrrwch Arglwddydds Owain. Lady Owen's Delight. Dydd Trwy'r Dellt. Dawn Through the Wattles. Hela'r 'Sgyfarnog. Hunting the Hare. John O'Connor. Kemp's Jig. Lord Willoughby. Ma Fransez. My Francoise. Mairi Bhan Og. Fair Young Mary. Me a Gar Eur Goumik. I Love a Turtle Dove. Miss Loudon. Miss Sally Hunter. Morfa'r Frenhines. The Queen's March. Oiche Nollag. Putney Ferry. Rhiawabon. Sally Gardens. Santez Mari, Mamm Doue. Sir Festus Burke. The Banks of the Suir. The Miller's Dance. The Rising of the Lark. There Was a Lad. Windsor Terrace. An Alarc'h. Ar Serjant-Major. The Sergeant Major. Buain Na Rainich. The Cutting Of The Fern. Carval Ny Drogh Vranne. Jezebel Carol. Come Under My Plaidie. Difyrrwch Arglwddydds Owain. Lady Owen's Delight. Doue Lan A Vadeleh. Dydd Trwy'r Dellt. Dawn Through The Wattles. Follow Me Down To Carlow. Hela'r 'Sgyfarnog. Hunting The Hare. John O'connor. Kemp's Jig. Lord Willoughby. Ma Fransez. My Francoise. Mairi Bhan Og. Me A Gar Eur Goulmik. I Love A Turtle Dove. Miss Loudon. Miss Sally Hunter. Morfa'r Frenhines. The Queen's March. Oich Nollag. Christmas Eve. Putney Ferry. Rhiwabon. Sally Gardens. Santez Mari, Mamm Doue. Sir Festus Burke. The Banks Of The Suir. The Miller's Dance. The Rising of the Lark. The Siege Of St. Malo. There Was A Lad. Windsor Terrace.Oversettelse
The Celtic Harp redigert av John Loesburg. Arrangert av Siobhan Bhreathnach. For Harp. Music Sales America. Irsk, Folk, Skotsk. 40 sider. Омнибус Пресс. Publisert av Omnibus Press. HL.14006328. ISBN 190042813X. Irsk, Folk, Skotsk. 9x12 inches. En håndplukket samling av de fineste gamle airs og dansemelodier fra den keltiske land. Musikken har blitt arrangert for enkel harpe, men det er egnet for piano og keyboard eller de fleste andre melodiinstrumenter. Et bredt spekter av stiler og smaker er inkludert i denne boken, og det er et perfekt tillegg til repertoaret av enhver musiker som har interesser i harpemusikk. Boken inneholder de ulike moter og tilnærminger av musikere i Irland, Storbritannia, Wales, Cornwall og Isle of Man. Denne utgaven er utstyrt med en CD av profesjonelle demonstrasjons opptak til videre hjelpe deg fange den autentiske Celtic karakter. Innhold. En Alarc'h. Ar Serjant-Major. The Sergeant Major. Buain Na Rainich. The Cutting av Fern. Carval Ny Drogh Vranne. Jezebel Carol. Kom Under My Plaidie. Difyrrwch Arglwddydds Owain. Lady Owen er Delight. Dydd Trwy'r Dellt. Dawn Gjennom Wattles. Hela'r 'Sgyfarnog. Jakt på Hare. John O'Connor. Kemp Jig. Herre Willoughby. Ma Fransez. Min Francoise. Mairi Bhan Og. Fair Young Mary. Meg en Gar Eur Goumik. Jeg elsker en Turtle Dove. Miss Loudon. Miss Sally Hunter. Morfa'r Frenhines. Dronningens mars. Oiche Nollag. Putney Ferry. Rhiawabon. Sally Gardens. Santez Mari, Mamm Doue. Sir Festus Burke. Bredden av Suir. Millers Dance. The Rising av Lark. Det var en unggutt. Windsor Terrace. En Alarc'h. Ar Serjant-Major. The Sergeant Major. Buain Na Rainich. Kutting av Fern. Carval Ny Drogh Vranne. Jezebel Carol. Kom Under My Plaidie. Difyrrwch Arglwddydds Owain. Lady Owen er Delight. Doue Lan En Vadeleh. Dydd Trwy'r Dellt. Dawn Through The Wattles. Følg meg ned til Carlow. Hela'r 'Sgyfarnog. Jakt The Hare. John O'connor. Kemp Jig. Herre Willoughby. Ma Fransez. Min Francoise. Mairi Bhan Og. Me A Gar Eur Goulmik. Jeg elsker en Turtle Dove. Miss Loudon. Miss Sally Hunter. Morfa'r Frenhines. Dronningens mars. Oich Nollag. Julaften. Putney Ferry. Rhiwabon. Sally Gardens. Santez Mari, Mamm Doue. Sir Festus Burke. Bredden av Suir. Millers Dance. The Rising av Lark. The Siege Of St. Malo. Det var en unggutt. Windsor Terrace.Populære søk