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Symphony No. 2, "Four Temperaments". Carl August Nielsen.


Symphony No. 2, humoralpatologi. Carl August Nielsen.


Symphony No. 2, "Four Temperaments" composed by Carl August Nielsen. 1865-1931. Orchestra. Full Orchestra. Full Score. Larger Works. Masterworks. Dover Edition. 20th Century. Masterwork. Romantic. Book. Published by Dover Publications. AP.6-418979. ISBN 0486418979. 20th Century. Masterwork. Romantic. "A born composer of symphonies," according to Jean Sibelius, Carl Nielsen. 1865--1931. was among Denmark's leading musical geniuses. In his polytonal Second Symphony. 1901--1902. , one of the most popular symphonies of the 20th-century, Nielsen "did his best to help the ear by making the clash of opposed melodic strains clear by sharply differentiating their tone-colour. "---Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians. The edition will delight professional musicians and concert-goers alike. 8 3. 8 x 11, 160 pp.


Symphony No. 2, humoralpatologi komponert av Carl august Nielsen. 1865-1931. Orkester. Full Orchestra. Full Score. Større Works. Masterworks. Dover Edition. 20th Century. Mesterverk. Romantisk. Bestill. Publisert av Dover Publications. AP.6-418979. ISBN 0486418979. 20th Century. Mesterverk. Romantisk. En født komponist av symfonier, ifølge Jean Sibelius, Carl Nielsen. 1865--1931. var blant Danmarks ledende musikalske genier. I sin polytonal Second Symphony. 1901--1902. , En av de mest populære symfonier i det 20. århundre, Nielsen gjorde sitt beste for å hjelpe øret ved å gjøre kollisjon motsetning melodiske stammer klart ved kraftig differensiere sin tone-farge. --- Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Utgaven vil glede profesjonelle musikere og konsertgjengere alike. 8 3. 8 x 11, 160 pp.
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