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Alfred's Basic Piano Course - Top Hits. Christmas Book - Complete Level 1. 1A. 1B. Piano Method sheet music. Piano Solo sheet music. Beginning.Oversettelse
Alfreds Basic Piano Course - Top Hits. Jule Book - Komplett Nivå 1. 1A. 1B. Piano Method noter. Piano Solo noter. Begynnelsen.Original
Alfred's Basic Piano Course - Top Hits. Christmas Book - Complete Level 1. 1A. 1B. For the Later Beginner. Edited by E. L. Lancaster and Morton Manus. For solo piano. Method. Instruction. Piano - Alfred's Basic Piano Course. Alfred's Basic Piano Library. Christmas. SMP Primer Level. Early Elementary. Songbook. Introductory text, easy piano notation, fingerings, harmony part. for the teacher. and lyrics. does not include words to the songs. 32 pages. Published by Alfred Music. AP.17203. ISBN 0739011847. With introductory text, easy piano notation, fingerings, harmony part. for the teacher. and lyrics. does not include words to the songs. Christmas. 9x12 inches. Here's a special way to say "Merry Christmas" to your students. Top Hits. Christmas books are unique collections that include festive new arrangements of pop Christmas music from Hollywood, television and recordings. No other student Christmas books include music with the popularity and quality of the carefully selected titles in this great series. These holiday hits are specially graded to fit precisely with Alfred's Basic Piano Library. Very beginning music. Five-finger positions with no chords and almost no hand position movement. The Christmas Song. Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire. Do You Hear What I Hear. Frosty the Snow Man. Happy Holiday. A Holly Jolly Christmas. There's No Place Like. Home for the Holidays. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus. I'll Be Home for Christmas. Jingle Bell Rock. Let it snow. Let it snow. Let it snow. Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer. Shake Me I Rattle. Squeeze Me I Cry. Silver Bells. Suzy Snowflake. We Need a Little Christmas.Oversettelse
Alfreds Basic Piano Course - Top Hits. Jule Book - Komplett Nivå 1. 1A. 1B. For Senere Beginner. Redigert av E. L. Lancaster og Morton Manus. For solo piano. Metode. Instruksjon. Piano - Alfred Basic Piano Course. Alfreds Basic Piano Library. Jule. SMP Primer nivå. Tidlig Elementary. Songbook. Innledende tekst, enkel pianonotasjon, fingersetting, harmoni del. for læreren. og tekster. inkluderer ikke ord til sangene. 32 sider. Publisert av Alfred Music. AP.17203. ISBN 0739011847. Med innledende tekst, enkel pianonotasjon, fingersetting, harmoni del. for læreren. og tekster. inkluderer ikke ord til sangene. Jule. 9x12 inches. Her er en spesiell måte å si "Merry Christmas" for elevene. Top Hits. Jule bøker er unike samlinger som inkluderer fest nye arrangementer av pop julemusikk fra Hollywood, TV og opptak. Ingen annen student jule bøker inkluderer musikk med populariteten og kvaliteten av de nøye utvalgte titler i denne flotte serien. Disse ferie treff er spesielt gradert for å passe nettopp med Alfred Basic Piano Library. Begynnelsen musikk. Fem-finger posisjoner, uten noen akkorder og nesten ingen håndstilling bevegelse. The Christmas Song. Kastanjer Steking på en Open Fire. Hører du hva jeg hører. Frosty snømannen. Happy Holiday. En Holly Jolly julen. Det er ingen plass som. Hjem til jul. Jeg så mamma kysse nissen. Jeg kommer hjem til jul. Jingle Bell Rock. La det snø. La det snø. La det snø. Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer. Shake Me Jeg Rattle. Squeeze Me Jeg Cry. Silver Bells. Suzy Snowflake. Vi trenger litt jule.Populære søk