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Teaching Music through Performance in Band. Volume 8, Grades 2-3. Grade 2.Oversettelse
Undervisning musikk gjennom Performance i Band. Volume 8, Grades 2-3. Grad 2.Original
Teaching Music through Performance in Band. Volume 8, Grades 2-3. North Texas Wind Symphony, Eugene Migliaro Corporon, conductor. For concert band. Music Education. Grade 2-3. CD. Published by GIA Publications. GI.G-CD-849. Audiophile recordings of 40 Grade 2 and 3 works from Volume 8. Contents. DISC 1--A Basque Lullaby. Dan Forrest. - Arioso. Clifton Williams. - Arrows of Lightning. Marco Putz. - Bloom. Steven Bryant. - Canticle. Bruce Pearson. - Dance of the Fir Darrig. Fergal Carroll. - Downtown Dash. Nathan Daughtrey. - Ghost Walk. Chris Brubeck. - Let Your Spirit Sing. Julie Giroux. - Miniature Overture. Jack Stamp. - Odysseus and the Siren. Dana Wilson. - Parade of the Wooden Warriors. Adam Gorb. - Present Joys. Walter Hartley. - Psalm. William Himes. - Second Prelude. George Gershwin. Krance. - Snake Charmer. Randall Standridge. DISC 2--The Tango Disappearing. Timothy Broege. - To a Distant Place. Carl Strommen. - To Dream in Brushstrokes. Michael Oare. - Voyages on a Rowing Song. William Himes. - A Dream of Coming Home. John Carnahan. - A Prelude to the Shining Day. Yo Goto. - Albanian Dance. Shelley Hanson. - American Folk Rhapsody, No. 2. Clare Grundman. - Canticle of the Creatures. James Curnow. - Fantasy on English Folksongs. Gene Milford. - Footsteps. Dana Wilson. - Four Sketches. Marco Putz. DISC 3--Glenbury Grove. Julie Giroux. - Hold This Boy and Listen. Carter Pann. - J. S. Jig. Brant Karrick. - Mysterious Village. Michael Colgrass. - Perthshire Majesty. Samuel Hazo. - Play. Carl Holmquist. - Psalm. Roger Nixon. - Sang. Dana Wilson. - Songs of Old Kentucky. Brant Karrick. - The Promise of Living. Aaron Copland. Singleton. - Triumphal Ode. Howard Hanson. Ripley. - Undertow. John Mackey.Oversettelse
Undervisning musikk gjennom Performance i Band. Volume 8, Grades 2-3. North Texas Wind Symphony, Eugene Migliaro Corporon, dirigent. For korps. Music Education. Grad 2-3. CD. Publisert av GIA Publikasjoner. GI.G-CD-849. Audiofile innspillinger av 40 Grad 2 og 3 verk fra Volume 8. Innhold. DISC 1 - En baskisk Lullaby. Dan Forrest. - Arioso. Clifton Williams. - Piler av Lightning. Marco Putz. - Bloom. Steven Bryant. - Canticle. Bruce Pearson. - Dance of the Fir Darrig. Fergal Carroll. - Sentrum Dash. Nathan Daughtrey. - Ghost Walk. Chris Brubeck. - Let Your Spirit Sing. Julie Giroux. - Miniatyr Ture. Jack Stamp. - Odyssevs og Siren. Dana Wilson. - Parade av de tre Warriors. Adam Gorb. - Presentere Joys. Walter Hartley. - Salme. William Himes. - Second Prelude. George Gershwin. Krance. - Snake Charmer. Randall Standridge. DISC 2 - The Tango Disappearing. Timothy Broege. - Til et fjernt sted. Carl Strømmen. - To Dream i Brushstrokes. Michael Oare. - Voyages på en Roing Song. William Himes. - En drøm av Coming Home. John Carnahan. - En Forspill til Shining Day. Yo Goto. - Albansk Dance. Shelley Hanson. - American Folk Rhapsody, nr. 2. Clare Grundman. - Salomos Creatures. James Curnow. - Fantasy på engelske folketoner. Gene Milford. - Footsteps. Dana Wilson. - Fire Sketches. Marco Putz. DISC 3 - Glenbury Grove. Julie Giroux. - Hold This Boy og Hør. Carter Pann. - J. S. Jig. Brant Karrick. - Mystisk Village. Michael Colgrass. - Perthshire Majesty. Samuel Hazo. - Play. Carl Holmquist. - Salme. Roger Nixon. - Sang. Dana Wilson. - Songs of Old Kentucky. Brant Karrick. - The Promise of Living. Aaron Copland. Singleton. - Triumf Ode. Howard Hanson. Ripley. - Undertow. John Mackey.Populære søk