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Well-Tempered Jazz. Mark Hayes. Piano Solo sheet music. Intermediate.Oversettelse
Godt Herdet Jazz. Mark Hayes. Piano Solo noter. Intermediate.Original
Well-Tempered Jazz. Piano Solos. Arranged by Mark Hayes. For Piano. Keyboard. Well-Tempered Series. Jazz and Sacred. SMP Level 5. Intermediate. Collection. Standard notation, chord names and performance notes. 72 pages. Shawnee Press #HE5044. Published by Shawnee Press. HL.35025356. ISBN 142349668X. With standard notation, chord names and performance notes. Jazz and Sacred. 9x12 inches. Favorite spirituals and gospel songs, all set in styles ranging from old-time swing, to blues, to bossa, to a romantic “movie theme” to quasi new age stylings. This recording features solo piano with rhythm section. Songs include. Amazing Grace. Every Time I Feel the Spirit. Just a Closer Walk with Thee. Old Time Religion. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. and more. Seventh chords and melodies in both hands. More difficult note reading with ledger lines above and below the staff. Every Time I Feel The Spirit. Redeemed, How I love To Proclaim It. Amazing Grace. Seasons of Life. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. Poor Wayfaring Stranger. His Eye Is On The Sparrow. Spring Comes Early. Precious Lord, Take My Hand. Old-Time Religion with Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Common Chord Index.Oversettelse
Godt Herdet Jazz. Piano Solos. Arrangert av Mark Hayes. For Piano. Keyboard. Well-Tempered Series. Jazz og Sacred. SMP Nivå 5. Intermediate. Innsamling. Standard notasjon, akkordnavn og ytelses notater. 72 sider. Шони Пресс. Publisert av Shawnee Press. HL.35025356. ISBN 142349668X. Med standard notasjon, akkordnavn og ytelses notater. Jazz og Sacred. 9x12 inches. Favoritt spirituals og gospel sanger, alle satt i alt fra gammeldags swing, blues, til bossa, til en romantisk "film tema" til kvasi new age stylings. Denne innspillingen har solo piano med rytmeseksjon. Sanger inkluderer. Amazing Grace. Every Time I Feel Ånden. Bare en Closer Walk med Thee. Old Time Religion. Swing Low, Søt Chariot. og mer. Syvende akkorder og melodier i begge hender. Vanskeligere notat lesing med hjelpelinjer over og under de ansatte. Every Time I Feel The Spirit. Innløst, hvordan jeg elsker å forkynne det. Amazing Grace. Seasons of Life. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. Dårlig Wayfaring Stranger. Hans Eye Is On The Sparrow. Våren kommer tidlig. Precious Herre, Take My Hand. Old-Time Religion med Swing Low, Søt Chariot. Felles Chord Index.Populære søk