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Early North America.


Tidlig Nord-Amerika.


Early North America composed by Cindy Barden. Reproducible. Illuminating History Series. Level 4-6. Transparency. Published by Lorenz Publishing Company. LO.MP4823. Take advantage of this over-stock pricing while supplies last. Color Overheads Included. Welcome to the fascinating world of early North America - the land that once was home to mastodons, mammoths, and the hunters who followed the herds. The activities in this book provide an overview of life in North America beginning with the first migrations of people across the Bering land bridge during the last Ice Age. The eight full-color transparencies at the back of the book can be used alone or with specific activities listed in the table of contents. Timeline of Early North America. Little Evidence Remains. Life Was Difficult in the Great Basin Area. Life Along the California Coast. The Farmers of the Southwest. The Eastern Woodland Cultures. In the Southest Region. The Big Game Hunters of the Great Plains. Corn - The Staple of Life. Early North America History Projects. The First Explorers Cross the Ocean. Europeans Invade the New World. Spanish Conquistadors. World Map. Use with various activity pages. East to Alaska. In the Beginning. The First Americans. Native Americans of the Arctic and Subarctic. The Fishermen of the Northwest Pacific Coast. Native Americans of the Plateau. Columbus Sails for the Indies. Other Attempts to Reach the Indies by Sea. French Traders. The Dutch Merchants. English Colonists. Leran More About Early North American History. Resources for Students. Answer Key.


Early North America composed by Cindy Barden. Reproduserbar. Illuminating History Series. Nivå 4-6. Åpenhet. Publisert av Lorenz Publishing. LO.MP4823. Dra nytte av dette over-prising av aksjen så lenge lageret rekker. Farge Overhead Inkludert. Velkommen til den fascinerende verden av tidlig Nord-Amerika - landet som en gang var hjemmet til mastodonter, mammuter, og jegerne som fulgte flokkene. The activities in this book provide an overview of life in North America beginning with the first migrations of people across the Bering land bridge during the last Ice Age. The eight full-color transparencies at the back of the book can be used alone or with specific activities listed in the table of contents. Tidslinje av Early Nord-Amerika. Lite bevis Remains. Livet var vanskelig i det store bassenget området. Livet Langs California-kysten. Farmers of the Southwest. Eastern Woodland kulturer. I Southest Region. The Big Game Hunters of the Great Plains. Mais - The Staple of Life. Tidlig Nord-Amerika Historie Prosjekter. First Explorers Cross the Ocean. Europeere invadere den nye verden. Spanske erobrere. World Map. Brukes med ulike aktivitetssider. Øst til Alaska. In the Beginning. De første amerikanere. Indianere i Arktis og Subarctic. Fisker av nordvest Stillehavskysten. Indianere i Plateau. Columbus Sails for India. Andre forsøk på å nå Indies av Sea. Franske Traders. Den nederlandske Merchants. Engelske kolonister. Leran Mer om tidlig North American History. Ressurser for studenter. Svar Key.