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A Treasury of Hymns and Spirituals. Autoharp sheet music. Piano sheet music. Beginning.Oversettelse
En Treasury of Salmer og Spirituals. Autoharp noter. Piano noter. Begynnelsen.Original
A Treasury of Hymns and Spirituals. for Autoharp, Guitar, Ukulele, Mandolin, Banjo, and Keyboard. Edited by Meg Peterson. For Autoharp. Chromaharp. Saddle-stitched, SongBook. Sacred. Beginning. Book. 40 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.20051. ISBN 9780786670048. Sacred. 8.5 x 11 inches. There is a wide selection of hymns in this book, including traditional Hymns of Praise, Thanksgiving, Easter, and Lent. Added to this rich array are the most popular Hymns of Christmastide and a collection of our most beloved Spirituals. They have been arranged in the keys that are most suitable for singing, and can be played in a variety of styles using only the words and the accompanying chords. In cases where there are two versions of a particular tune, both have been included. If one version is not well known, however, the most widely used melody is selected. All Hail The Power Of Jesus' Name. A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. Blest Be The Tie That Binds. Breathe On Me, Breath Of God. The Church's One Foundation. Come, Thou Almighty King. Doxology. Old Hundredth. Fairest Lord Jesus. Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken. Glory Be To The Father. God Be With You Till We Meet Again. God Of Grace And God Of Glory. God Of Our Fathers. God The Omnipotent. In Christ There Is No East Or West. The King of Love My Shepard Is. Love Divine, All Loves Excelling. My Faith Looks Up To Thee. Now All The Woods Are Sleeping. Now The Day Is Over. O Day Of Rest And Gladness. O Jesus, I Have Promised. O Love, that Wilt Not Let Me Go. O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee. Once To Ev'ry Man And Nation. Onward, Christian Soldiers. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty. Rise Up, O Men Of God. Savior, Like A Shepard Lead Us. Shall We Gather At The River. The Son Of God Goes Forth To War. Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart. Sweet Hour of Prayer. Take My Life and Let It Be. This Is My Father's World. We Would Be Building. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. When Morning Gilds the Skies. Where Cross the Crowded Way of Life. Ye Servants Of God. Angels, We Have Heard On High. As with Gladness Men of Old. Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light. The First Noel. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. Good Christian Men, Rejoice. Good King Wenceslas. Hark, The Herald Angels Sing. The Holly and the Ivy. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear. Joy To The World. Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Oh, Come All Ye Faithful. O Holy Night. O Little Town of Bethlehem. first version. O Little Town of Bethlehem. second version. Silent Night. All God's Chillun Got Wings. All Night, All Day. Deep River. Do, Lord. Down By The Riverside. Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit. Give Me That Old Time Religion. Good News. Go Down Moses. God Said to Noah. The Gospel Train. Go Tell It On the Mountain. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands. Jacob's Ladder. Joshua Fought the Battle of Jerico. Lonesome Valley. Lord, I Want To Be A Christian. Mary Had a Baby. My Lord, What A Mornin'. Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen. One More River. Oh, Sinner Man. Poor Wayfaring Stranger. Rock Of Ages. Rock-A My Soul. Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child. Steal Away. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. This Little Light of Mine. This Train. Train Is A-Comin'. Wade In The Water. Were You There. Bless Thou The Gifts. Break Thou The Bread Of Life. Come, Ye Thankful People, Come. O God, Our Help In Ages Past. Thanksgiving Prayer. We Gather Together. We Give Thee But Thine Own. We Plow the Fields. Abide with Me. Are Ye Able. Beneath The Cross Of Jesus. Christ The Lord Is Risen Today. Crown Him with Many Crowns. Hosanna, Loud Hosanna. Nearer My God To Thee.Oversettelse
En Treasury of Salmer og Spirituals. for Autoharp, gitar, ukulele, mandolin, banjo, og Keyboard. Redigert av Meg Peterson. For Autoharp. Chromaharp. Saddle-sydd, sangbok. Sacred. Begynnelsen. Bestill. 40 sider. Publisert av Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.20051. ISBN 9780786670048. Sacred. 8,5 x 11 inches. Det er et bredt utvalg av salmer i denne boken, inkludert tradisjonelle Hymns of Praise, Thanksgiving, påske, og fastetiden. I tillegg til dette rikt utvalg er de mest populære Hymns av Christmas og en samling av våre mest folkekjære Spirituals. De har blitt arrangert i nøklene som er mest egnet for sang, og kan spilles i en rekke stilarter bruker bare ordene og note akkorder. I tilfeller der det er to versjoner av en bestemt melodi, har begge blitt tatt. Ved en versjon ikke er kjent, er imidlertid den mest brukte melodi valgte. All Hail The Power Of Jesu Navn. A Mighty Fortress er vår Gud. Blest Be The Tie som binder. Pust On Me, Breath Of God. Kirkens One Foundation. Kom, du allmektige kongen. Doxology. Gammel Hundredth. Fairest Herre Jesus. Glorious ting av Thee snakkes. Ære være Faderen. Gud vær med deg til vi ses igjen. God Of Grace And God Of Glory. God Of Our Fathers. Gud den allmektige. I Kristus There Is No Øst eller vest. The King of Love My Shepard Er. Elsker Divine, All Loves utmerke. Min tro ser opp til Deg. Nå All The Woods Are Sleeping. Nå dagen er over. O hviledag og glede. O Jesus, jeg har lovet. O Kjærlighet: Vil det ikke Let Me Go. O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee. Når du vil Ev'ry Mann Og Nation. Onward, Christian Soldiers. Ros til Herren, den allmektige. Reis dere, o Guds menn. Frelser, Like A Shepard Led oss. Skal vi samles på The River. Forth Guds sønn går til krig. Guds Ånd, ned på My Heart. Søt Hour of Prayer. Ta My Life and Let It Be. This Is My Father World. Vi ville være å bygge. Hvilken venn vi har i Jesus. Når Morning forgyller Skies. Hvor Kryss Crowded Way of Life. Herrens tjenere Gud. Engler, vi har hørt On High. Som med glede menn av gamle. Break Forth, O Beauteous himmelsk lys. The First Noel. God Rest Ye God Lemen. Bra Christian Menn, Rejoice. Good King Wenceslas. Hark, The Herald Angels Sing. The Holly og Ivy. Det kom på The Midnight Clear. Joy To The World. Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Oh, Come All Ye Faithful. O Holy Night. O Little Town of Bethlehem. Første versjon. O Little Town of Bethlehem. andre versjon. Silent Night. Alle Guds Chillun Got Wings. All Night, All Day. Deep River. Gjøre, Herre. Down By The Riverside. Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit. Give Me That Old Time Religion. Good News. Gå Down Moses. Gud sa til Noah. The Gospel Train. Gå Tell It On The Mountain. Han Got The Whole World In His Hands. Jakobs Stige. Joshua utkjempet kampen Jerico. Lonesome Valley. Herre, jeg ønsker å være en kristen. Mary hadde en baby. Min Herre, What A Mornin '. Nobody Knows The Trouble jeg har sett. En Mer River. Oh, Sinner Man. Dårlig Wayfaring Stranger. Rock Of Ages. Rock-A My Soul. Noen ganger føler jeg at en Motherless Child. Steal Away. Swing Low, Søt Chariot. This Little Light of Mine. Dette Train. Tog Er A-Comin '. Wade In The Water. Var du der. Velsigne Thou gaver. Break Du livets brød. Kom, vårt folk, takknemlig Kom. O Gud, vår hjelp I Ages Past. Thanksgiving Prayer. Vi samles. Vi Gi Deg Men Thine egen. Vi pløye Fields. Bli hos meg. Er Ye Able. Beneath The Cross Of Jesus. Kristus Herren er oppstått i dag. Krone Ham med mange kroner. Hosianna, Loud Hosanna. Nærmere Herregud Til Deg.Populære søk