Debussy, Claude. Première rapsodie. Original: Clarinet and PianoOrchestration: 3 flutes. 2 oboes. cor anglais. 2 clarinets (B). 3 bassoons. 4 horns (F). 2 trumpets (C). triangle. cymbales. 2 harps. violin solo. 1st and 2nd violins. viola solo. violas. cellos. double basses. Early 20th century.
Debussy, Claude. Først Rhapsody. Original: klarinett og PianoOrchestration: 3 fløyter. To oboer. Engelsk Horn. 2 klarinetter (B). 3 fagotter. 4 horn (F). 2 trompeter (C). trekant. cymbaler. 2 harper. Violin Solo. 1. og 2. fioliner. lilla bare. violas. celli. kontrabass. Begynnelsen av det 20. århundre.